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  #1   Add to arpeejay's Reputation   Report Post  
Old August 24th, 2009, 09:02 AM
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arpeejay will become famous soon enough
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Aisle 13: Jake and Andy (Part 3)

By Richard Jasper

Part 2:

Part 1:

* * *

Andy was a tiger in the sack.

"Wow," Jake said after the first round.

They'd gone to Jake's high rise condo and Andy had jumped him before he got the door open all the way. A trail of clothing led from the front door to the California King in Jake's over-sized bedroom.

There wasn't a part of Jake's body that Andy didn't lick or suck and for once in his life Jake was hard-pressed to keep up.

"Whoosh," Jake said. "WHO taught you to have sex?"

Andy looked at him and laughed.

"Don't be silly," he replied. "I'm a virgin. Wasn't that obvious?"

Jake gulped.

"No, hell, it was NOT obvious. You ARE 18, aren't you?"

Andy chuckled.

"I'll show you my driver's license if you want..."

Jake shook his head.

"But I'd rather show you something else!"

I've gotta get this kid to Proteus, Jake told himself as he fucked Andy for fifth or sixth time (he was losing count.) His energy is amazing!

The next morning over breakfast Jake broached the subject.

"So, Super Andy, have you ever thought about getting big?" Jake asked casually.

"Thought about it?!" Andy exclaimed. "Christ, I'd give my left nut to be a big guy like you."

Jake raised an eyebrow.

"I spend a LOT of time in the gym," Andy pointed out. "And I'm pretty damned strong for my size -- I can bench 225 for reps, easy, and my 1 rep max is 275."

Jake whistled.

"That's damn impressive for a guy your age and size," he pointed out.

"Damn straight," Andy agreed. "I just never seem to grow."

Jake smiled.


"I think you need to come work out at Proteus," Jake said. "We've got a state of the art gym and every member has free access to a personal trainer, a nutritionist, a chiropractor, and a massage therapist."

Andy's jaw dropped.

"Wha...?" he blurted. "How the heck do you manage all of that?"

Jake grinned.

"We have a very select clientele," he pointed out. "In fact, it's safe to say that it's an 'invitation only' group of guys. Uh, well, and no women."

Jake told Andy that it was all part of a multimillion dollar DOD grant to find natural ways to promote human growth and performance.

"But why no women?" Andy asked. "Not that I mind, I mean, it's clear I like guys..."

Jake shook his head.

"Different facility, across the country," he noted. "We tried it once with men and women in the same place. For whatever reason, opposite sex conditions seemed to have an inhibiting effect."

Andy was eager to check it out but Jake put up a big paw to slow him down.

"Hey, now, school is starting day after tomorrow and you've yet to meet your roommate, right?"

Andy was slightly crestfallen.

"You mean I can't stay...?"

Jake put his big arm around Andy's nice strong shoulders.

"One step at a time, kiddo," Jake said. "You are a doll and I love ya and I'm twice as old as you are and you're just starting the first chapter of your grown up life. Let's not rush it, OK?"

Andy brightened, then grinned wickedly.

"But we can still...?" he asked.

"Oh, HELL yeah," Jake said. "You're the best fuck I've had in the 21st century, kiddo, and I've had a lot!"

They held hands in the car on the way over to Andy's dorm but Jake declined an invitation to check out Andy's dorm room, or see him to the door.

"If I get out the car, (a) I'm gonna scare your dorm mates and (b) you're gonna get expelled for fucking in your room with the door open," Jake said. "See you at Proteus on Saturday, OK?"

We'll see what you've got, Jake thought.

* * *

Ohmigod, Andy thought. It's Jabba the Hut!

Actually, it was Andy's freshman roommate, "Spencer from Springfield," who was just Andy's height but about 50 lbs. heavier and all of it blubber. It was clear that Spencer didn't have a muscle in his body.

It was also clear that he was checking Andy out and that he had a chubby going on down below.

Well, I hope to hell it's a chubby, Andy thought to himself. It's kinda hard to tell. If it isn't one he's just plain deformed.

Like many a fat man before him, Spencer was also funny as hell, in a dry, intellectual sort of way. Within five minutes, he had Andy rolling with laughter.

"Oh Thank God," Spencer said. "I was totally afraid you were going to be one of those uptight jocks with NO sense of humor."

Andy half expected Spencer to put his hand to his forehead in a mock faint.

"Hey, I like playing sports," Andy admitted. "I like watching 'em, too."

Spencer's round little shoulders drooped more, if that were possible.

"Ah well..."

Andy grinned.

"Rugby, especially," Andy said. "All those hot furry guys in itty bitty shorts? Woof!"

Spencer's eyes flew open and his mouth dropped so fast his jaw made an audible click.

"You mean...?"

Andy nodded and then bit his lip, as if he were having second-thoughts.

"Yes, it's true, Spencer. I, uh, hope you don't mind. Do you think, uh, maybe, you could handle having a gay roommate?"

Andy gave Spencer his best "I'm Bambi and my mother is about to be killed" look and it was Spencer's turn to be howling with laughter.

"Oh, it's too rich," Spencer said. "I've got the hot jock roommate of my dreams AND he's gay? The housing people at this school are fucking awesome!"

Andy grinned like the proverbial Cheshire cat.

"Well, yeah, but let's take this one step at a time, OK? We're roomies, for one thing, plus I've already got a boyfriend!"

Spencer, who wasn't expecting much, pouted anyway.

"Boyfriend? Huh! What gives you the right? And where is he, anyway, back home in Middleton?"

Andy smiled.

"Actually, he's right here," he pointed out. "An alum."

Spencer's eyes got big.

"An older man?!"

Andy laughed.

"Just turned 40, in fact, although he looks about 30 tops!"

Spencer gaped.

"Oooh! Andy's got a Daddy complex, huh?"

Pointing to his throat, Andy made a gagging noise.

"Gack!" he replied. "Not hardly! And this guy is smokin'!"

Spencer arched an eyebrow.

"That remains to be seen, Young Mr. Barrington," he intoned. "I want proof!"

Soon enough, Andy thought. Soon enough.

[OK, still no growth but hopefully it will tide you over until Part 4!]

Part 4:

Last edited by arpeejay; August 26th, 2009 at 06:03 AM.
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  #2   Add to kenstaff's Reputation   Report Post  
Old August 25th, 2009, 01:34 AM
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Last edited by kenstaff; April 19th, 2013 at 10:58 PM.
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  #3   Add to ganteugene's Reputation   Report Post  
Old August 26th, 2009, 02:10 AM
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ganteugene is on a distinguished road
I second that. Every story is worth reading, and it is always better written than the usual jack-off-to material.
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