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  #1   Add to conoemadre's Reputation   Report Post  
Old June 6th, 2006, 01:17 AM
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conoemadre is on a distinguished road
Superheroe sin saberlo -Superhero without Knowing-

This is a story in spanish (Please Translate)

Era una noche muy callada dani estaba en su cuarto frente a la computadora, eran alrededor de las 9:00pm cuando de repente se oye un estruendo en la cercania de su casa ya que viviendo el cerca de un campo abandonado las noches son muy calladas... Pero esa noche tenia algo de diferente, algo que era inusual para dani, era un presentimiento el cual tenia desde hacia mucho tiempo, pero del que no sabia su procedencia.

Luego de aquel ruidoso sonido Dani fue a averiguar que fue lo que sucedio... cuando el llega a la zona se encuentra una nave extraterrestre la cual le paresia muy extra?a, el creia que era un satelite de telecomunicaciones que se habia estrellado en el campo, pero de repente, se abre una puerta y de ahi sale un ser, a Dani le parecio extra?o y se asusto un poco el ser se tenia un parecido a un ser humano pero con la diferencia de que aquel ser era alto, de cabello color negro, el se fijo en ese ser, el cual poseia un cuerpo paresido al de Jay Cutler pero mejor, ese cuerpo podria vencer a Ronnie Coleman en el mister olympia solo con mostrar sus brazos, Dani quedo perplejo viendo aquel ser, el penso "yo quisiera ser como el", el ser leyo su mente y le respondio sin emitir ningun sonido solo como si fuera sus mismos pensamientos que, "Soy Sug del planeta Kaglgon gracias por atender mi llamado y si tu lo seras". Dani se asombro al ver que el ser solo se comunicaba por medio de la mente.

Aquel ser le dijo a Dani, "tu eres el protector de la tierra y debes aceptar mi regalo porque para el planeta vendran muchas amenazas desde el espacio y debes protegerlos", Dani se sintio un poco abrumado con las palabras de Sug, Dani le contesto, como voy a protegerlos de las amenazas que vendran si solo soy un muchacho de 18 a?os, si dani, !?Como sabes mi nombre??, porque lo vi en el futuro, seras un buen protector, pero no me has respondido mi pregunta... como defendere la tierra?.

Protegeras la tierra con el don que te hare asi que pasa dentro del trotador para hacerte el regalo, dani se sintio algo confuso y temeroso, el tenia una pelea entre su cerebro y su cuerpo, su cerebro le decia que no siguiera adelante con esto pero su cuerpo le decia vamos... La pelea interna de Dani seso ganando el cuerpo sobre la mente, porque con sus ancias de explorarlo todo queria ver que era lo que Sug le decia, y entro a la nave

Dentro de la nave todo era muy extra?o habian muchas maquinas que el no sabia para que eran ni que son, habian muchos tubos transparentes con liquidos de colores raros los cuales miraba perplejo, Sug estaba en una parte de la nave que solo habia visto en las peliculas de misterio antiguas, Sug le dijo que se parara encima de una plataforma la cual era de un color gris plata, Dani colocate en la plataforma y tranquilizate porque seras el protector de la tierra.

En un momento, Sug presiono un boton y una cuenta regresiva habia comenzado, Dani tranquilo que despues de esto vas a realizar cosas que nunca hubieras imaginado, despues que la cuenta regresiva termino Sug presiono otro boton y un tubo de vidrio cubrio a Dani, Dani comenzo a gritar "sacame de aqui, sacame de aqui!!!!!", Sug solo movio la cabeza de un lado para otro en sa?al de negaci?n, la transformacion ha empesado, dijo una voz en la nave.

De repente una luz verde cegadora, estaba por todo el cuerpo de Dani, dani todavia gritando dentro del tubo transparente, cuando de repente Dani se desmayo por un momento y empezo a elevarse dentro del tubo, el desperto pero todavia estaba dentro del tubo, el miro hacia abajo y vio que estaba suspendido en el aire, cuando de pronto otra luz de color amarillo cubrio su cuerpo, en ese momento todo su cuerpo empezo a temblar y a sudar, y el comenzo a ver que todos los musculos de su cuerpo se estaban inflando como globos sus biceps se inflaron que parecian pelotas de futbol americano de 52cm, su pecho que parecia ya de hierro se inflo hasta parecer 2 torpedos, su abdomen parecia un muro de ladrillos muy fuerte y sus piernas parecian una docena de bates de baseball juntas, aquello era todo un complemento el sentia una fuerza que recorria todo su cuerpo se sentia muy poderoso y fuerte, cuando de repente la luz amarilla ceso y la vos dijo "Transformacion Completa", luego se abrio el tubo transparente dejando salir una leve neblina.

Luego que toda la transformacion terminara Dani salio del tubo sintiendose un poco pesado y le pregunto a Sug que era lo que habia pasado... Sug le respondio, "tu eres ahora un protector" ?Como que soy un protector?, bueno solo mira en esta pantalla reflectora, cuando esa pantalla aparecio, todo en su vida quedo mas sin sentido... ?Que fue lo que me ocurrio?, solo paso lo que tenia que pasar, quiero salir de aqui, dentro de un rato porque quisiera darte instrucciones de como usar... no, quiero salir de aqui, y se dirigio a un lugar de la nave que penso que era la puerta y con solo un golpe la abrio.... Sug le dijo, dani espera que vas a activar la autoimplusion de la nave.... Sug no habia terminado de decir la ultima frase cuando la dentro de la nave se activo otra cuenta regresiva y la nave comenzo a realizar explosiones dentro de ella, Dani empezo a gritar, buscando a Sug pero el fue a la nave de evacuacion y salio de ella a tiempo.

Dani empezo a correr y sin darse cuenta habia corrido 100km en solo segundos, como estaba oscuro no sabia donde estaba, viendo una la explosion lo que lo ubico, y se asombro, "Wow como hice eso", "como llegue hasta aqui", el empezo a caminar y llego al sitio donde estaba la nave... de la nave no quedaron rastos, solo quedo un enorme hoyo.

Dani se preguntaba que habia pasado sin percatarse de los cambios que habia sufrido su cuerpo, se pregunto que habia pasado con Sug si habia muerto o habia escapado de aquella explosion... luego de haberse calmado vio que su ropa estaba toda rasgada por el cambio en su cuerpo y vio que tenia una docena de bates en ves de piernas, "Wow que cambio" paso la mano por sus piernas notando que sus pantorrillas parecian unas rocas de granito puro, luego siguio subiendo hasta llegar a sus partes y vio que no solo su cuerpo habia cambiado si no que su pene y testiculos tambien, tenia un pene de 30cm y unos testiculos que parecian 2 pelotas de golf, tambien sintio que poseia una fuerza extrema y que podia doblar una barra de metal con sus dedos solamente...

Dani volvio a su casa pero esta ves llego a su garaje en donde vio una barra de metal que su padre utilizaba para apretar tornillos de forma que nunca se soltaran... vamos a ver que puede hacer este nuevo cuerpo... tomo los dos extremos de la barra de hierro solo con los dedos indices y el pulgares y aplico solo un poco de fuerza, cuando vio que la barra se doblaba solo con la aplicacion de un poco de fuerza... "Wow soy superfuerte, y superrapido"

Luego comenzo a ejercitarce pero ahora con el auto de su papa, se doblo para tomar la parte delantera del auto y empezo a ejercitarse los biceps con el "Pesa mas una pluma que este auto... jejejeje" total paso toda la noche ejercitando y explorando los dones que le habia dejado Sug....

Ya como a las 5:00am subio a su habitacion para dormir un rato, no se sentia cansado solo fue para descansar ya que ma?ana era dia de universidad, a la ma?ana siguiente creyendo que todo era un sue?o, se desperto y se levanto de la cama en frente de su cama esta un espejo el cual le mostro algo que Dani quedaria asombrado con verlo... Vio su cuerpo reflejado en el espejo, aquel cuerpo se parecia al de Jay Cutler, su cara habia cambiado un poco, dejandole ver una cara perfecta un cabello de color casta?o claro y unos ojos verdes los cuales podrian enamorar hasta la Miss Universo mas bella.

El trato de colocarse su ropa pero toda le quedaba muy se?ida al cuerpo y solo con flexionar su bicep se rompia... "Tendre que comprar mas ropa que me quede" fue para el armario de su papa para tomar una camiseta la cual le quedara, ya que su papa era mas grande que el antes de la transformacion la camiseta le quedo se?ida parecia como una segunda piel dejando ver unos pectorales que solo con flexionarlos nokearian a ronnie coleman.

Listo, voy a la universidad, dentro de la universidad parecia que Dani siempre hubiera sido asi, porque lo trataban como si nada hubiera pasado, el entro a una clase de matematicas, cuando de repente oye un llamado de auxilo, el llamado era de muy cerca pero le pregunto a su mejor amigo Jorge si el escuchaba ese llamado... "Estas so?ando, cual llamado de auxilio, yo no escucho nada"... cuando el vuelve a escuchar el llamado de auxilio, se levanta rapidamente de su escritorio, "ya vuelvo profesor", dejando el escritorio hecho a?icos gracias a la exploisiva manera como se levanto...

El siguio escuchando el llamado y salio de la universidad, cuando el llamado era mas fuerte comenzo a correr... de repente corrio tan rapido que el solo veia las formas borrosas de las cosas que lo rodeaban, cuando llego a donde el llamado salia vio a una mujer atrapada en su auto volcado en la autopista y sin que pasara nadie en ese momento Dani iba a tratar de salvarla... Cuando la mujer vio a Dani se desmayo y el rapidamente rasgo la puerta del conductor de sus bisagras tratando de sacar a la mujer del auto...

El logro sacar a la mujer del auto, y llevarla a un lado de la carrertera cuando de repente el auto exploto y el por instinto, cubrio a la mujer de los vidrios y pedazos del auto que salieron volando y cayendo cerca de ellos, su espalda que parecia un muro de concreto solido donde chocaron trozos de metal y vidrio sin que a el le ocurriera algo, solo rompiendosele la camiseta... De ahi espero antes que la policia llegara y se fue a su casa.

En su casa estaba su mejor amigo Jorge el cual le pregunto que le habia pasado que parecia que le habia pasado una aplanadora por encima de su cuerpo.... Dani miro a Jorge y le dijo "Ven que te tengo que mostrar algo" los dos fueron al garaje en el cual estaba el auto de su papa ya que el estaba de viaje... Jorge trata de levantar el parachoques del auto con una sola mano... ??que, tu estas demente?!, que piensas que me va a salir una hernia por levantarlo estas loco...Solo trata, no es que lo vas a levantar, solo quiero ver si pesa.... Dani, no me hagas reir, claro que pesa un auto puede pesar hasta 2 toneladas, todo el mundo sabe eso...

Siiiii!!!! se Jorge pero solo quiero ver si puedes hacerlo....Mira, Jorge tomo el parachoques del auto y con su cara de color rojo empezo a tratar de levantar el auto, Jorge trata un poco mas..., Jorge ya todo sudado, le dice... no puedo mas Dani, que quieres saber con esto que el auto pesa !!!!Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, es muy pesado!!!!!!!!!, Jorge se sento en una silla a descansar despues de un esfuerzo como ese... cuando Dani lo tomo por el cuello de la camiseta y lo levanto como un metro del suelo... pero para mi no lo es, y con la mano libre levanto el auto un metro del piso... ves Jorge que para mi no pesa nada... pero que te paso Dani explicame...

Dani le explico a Jorge que era lo que habia pasado, Jorge no lo podia creer cuando Dani lo volvio a levantar tocando la cabeza de dani contra el techo, Oye Jorge tu tampoco pesas nada, jejejeje.... Bueno Jorge que podemos hacer para porbar este cuerpazo... osea para realizar el test drive de mi fuerza... Bueno Dani solo hay una opcion, ir al basurero de chatarra que ahi hay muchas cosas pesadas para probar, si es verdad vamos para alla

Pero en el transcurso de la via hacia el basurero... comenzaron a caer unos meteoritos haciendo el panico en toda la ciudad, los meteoritos caian en casas, y escuelas, haciendo da?os e hiriendo a personas, cuando Dani vio ese acontecimiento recordo las palabras de Sug que el era el protector de la tierra y su deber era salvar la tierra de toda amenaza, Jorge aqui se acaba nuestro viajesito por el dia de hoy, hay que hacer lo que hay que hacer, el fue a los sitios de impacto salvando gente de paredes caidas y autos da?ados por los meteoritos que seguian cayendo, cuando de repente salvando a una persona de un auto que estaba chocado por un meteorito, algo choca con Dani y lo entierra como 10 metros bajo tierra dejandolo inconsiente, habia llegado una amenaza mayor a la tierra habia llegado Mantor, un villano que queria esclavizar a la tierra y ser el el gobernador del mundo entero.

Que pasara con nuestro amigo?.... Que hara Mantor????.... Quieren que prosiga con la historia.... haganmelo saber....
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  #2   Add to CelticMuscle's Reputation   Report Post  
Old June 6th, 2006, 04:55 AM
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Direct Translation from Babel Fish

It was one night very shut up dani was in its room in front of the computer, were around 9:00pm when a roar in cercania of its house is heard suddenly since living near a left field the nights very they are shut up... But that night tapeworm something of different, something that was unusual for dani, was a prefeeling which tapeworm from towards long time, but of which nonwise its origin. After that noisy Dani sound it went to find out that it was what sucedio... when arrives at the zone it finds an extraterrestrial ship which very strange him paresia, creia that was a satellite of telecommunications that habia starred in the field, but, opens a door suddenly and ahi a being leaves, to Dani strange him parecio and I am scared a little the being tapeworm a similarity to a human being but with the difference of which that being was high, of hair black color, the fixed one in that being, who poseia a body paresido to the one of Jay Cutler but more good, that body podria to overcome to Ronnie Coleman in single mister olympia with showing his arms, Dani am perplex seeing that being, penso "I I wanted to be like", the being leyo his mind and him respondio without emitting ningun outside single sound as if his same thoughts that, "I am Sug of the Kaglgon planet thanks to take care of my call and if the your seras". Dani astonishment when seeing that the single being communicated by means of the mind. That being said to him to Dani, "your you are the Earth protector and you must accept my gift because for the planet many threats vendran from the space and you must protect them", Dani sintio a little crushed with the words of Sug, Dani I answer myself to him, as I am going to protect them of the threats that vendran if single I am a boy of 18 years, if dani,! As you know my name? , because I saw in the future, seras a good protector, but you have not responded my question to me... like defendere the Earth. Protegeras the Earth with the gift that you hare asi that the gift passes within the trotador for hacerte, dani sintio something confused and afraid, the tapeworm a fight between its brain and its body, its brain him decia that did not follow ahead with this but its body decia we go to him... The internal fight of Dani seso gaining the body on the mind, because with its ancias to explore it everything queria to see that it was what Sug him decia, and I enter the ship Within the ship everything was very strange habian many maquinas that the nonwise one so that they were nor that are, many transparent tubes with liquidos habian of rare colors which watched perplex, Sug was in a part of the ship that single habia seen in peliculas of mystery old, Sug said to him that it was stopped upon a platform which was of a gray color silver, Dani colocate in the seras platform and tranquilizate because the Earth protector. In a while, Sug I press a button and a regressive account habia begun, calm Dani that despues of this you are going to make things that never you had imagined, despues that the regressive account I finish Sug I press another button and a glass tube cubrio to Dani, Dani comenzo to shout "sacame of aqui, sacame of aqui!!!!!", Single Sug movio the head of a side for another one in sa?al of negation, the transformation has empesado, said a voice in the ship. A blinding green light, was in favor suddenly of all the body of Dani, dani todavia shouting within the transparent tube, when Dani faint for a moment and empezo to rise suddenly within the tube, desperto but todavia was within the tube, I watch downwards and saw that it was suspended in the air, when suddenly another light of yellow color cubrio its body, then all its body empezo to shake and to sweat, and comenzo to see that all the musculos of their body were being inflated as globes his biceps were inflated that balls of futbol American of 52cm parecian, their chest that parecia already of iron I inflate myself until seeming 2 torpedoes, its abdomen parecia a brick wall very hard and their legs parecian a dozen of together bats of baseball, that was everything a complement sentia a force that recorria all its very powerful and strong body sentia, when the yellow light I stop suddenly and the vos said "Complete Transformation", soon abrio the tube is transparent letting leave one slight fog. As soon as all the transformation finished to Dani salio of the tube feeling a little heavy and I ask to him Sug that was what habia last... Sug him respondio, "your you are now a protector" Because I am a protector, good single sight in this reflex baffle, when that screen aparecio, everything in its life I am but without sense... That it was what me ocurrio, single step which tapeworm that to happen, I want to go out aqui, within awhile because it wanted darte instructions of like using... no, I want to go out aqui, and dirigio to a place of the ship that penso that was the door and with single a blow abrio.... Sug said to him, dani hopes that you are going to activate autoimplusion of the ship.... Sug not habia finished saying completes phrase when within the active ship the other regressive account and the ship comenzo to make explosions within her, Dani empezo to shout, looking for Sug but went to the evacuation ship and salio of her on time. Dani empezo to run and without occurring to in excess account habia 100km in single seconds, as she were dark nonwise where it was, seeing the one explosion which I locate it, and astonishment, "Wow since I did that", "as it arrives until aqui", empezo to walk and I arrive at the site where it was the ship... of the ship were not left rastos, single I am left an enormous hole. Dani was asked that habia last without noticing of the changes that habia undergone its body, I wonder myself that habia last with Sug if habia died or habia escaped of that explosion... after to have calmed saw that its clothes were everything torn by the change in its body and saw that tapeworm a dozen of bats in you see of legs, "Wow that change" step the hand by its legs noticing that his pantorrillas parecian pure granite rocks, soon siguio raising until arriving at its parts and saw that nonsingle its body habia changed if not that its penis and testiculos also, tapeworm a penis of 30cm and testiculos that 2 golf balls parecian, also sintio that poseia an extreme force and that podia to double a metal bar with their fingers only... Dani volvio to its house but this you see I arrive at its garage in where it saw a metal bar that his father used to tighten both extreme screws so that they never loosen... we are going to see that volume can make this new body... of the single iron bar with the indices fingers and the thumbs and I apply single a little force, when it saw that the bar bent single with the application of a little force... "Wow I am superstrong, and superfast" Soon comenzo to ejercitarce but now with the car of its Pope, I bend to take the front part from the car and empezo to exercise biceps with the "Weight but a pen that this car... jejejeje" total step all the night exercising and exploring the gifts that habia left Sug to him.... Like a 5:00am subio to his habitacion to already sleep awhile, sentia tired single was not for resting since tomorrow it was day of university, to the following morning thinking that everything was a dream, desperto and I rise of the bed in front of its bed this a mirror which him mostro something that astonished quedaria Dani with seeing it... It saw its body reflected in the mirror, that body parecia to the one of Jay Cutler, its face habia changed a little, letting see a perfect face to him a green hair of clear brown color and eyes which podrian to enamor until beautiful the Universal Miss but. The treatment to be placed its clothes but everything to him was very se?ida to the single body and with flexionar his bicep rompia... "Tendre that to buy but clothes that I have left" was for the closet of its Pope to take a t-shirt which it had left, since its Pope was but great that before the transformation the t-shirt it has left se?ida parecia like one second skin leaving to see pectoral ones that single with flexionar them they nokearian to ronnie they coleman. Ready, I go to the university, within the university parecia that Dani always had been asi, because they treated it as if nothing was past, I enter a class of matematicas, when it hears a call of auxilo suddenly, the call was of closely together but I ask its better friend Jorge to him if it listened to that call... "These dreaming, as called of aid, I do not listen to anything"... when he returns to listen to the aid call, one rises quickly of his writing-desk, "already I return professor", leaving the writing-desk made pieces thanks to the exploisiva way as I rise... Siguio listening to the call and salio of the university, when the call was but strong comenzo to run... corrio suddenly so fast that single veia the blurred forms of the things that surrounded it, when I arrive at where the call salia saw a woman catched in its car overturned in the freeway and without Dani passed nobody then was going to try to save it... When the woman saw Dani faint and quickly the characteristic the door of the conductor of her hinges treating remove to the woman from the car... The profit to remove to the woman from the car, and to take it to a side of the carrertera when the car I explode suddenly and by instinct, cubrio to the woman of glasses and pieces of the car that left flying and falling near them, its back that parecia a concrete wall of been accustomed to where they hit pieces of metal and glass without to it happened something to him, single breaking to it him the t-shirt... Of ahi I wait for before the policia arrived and it went to its house. In its house he was its better friend Jorge who I ask to him that last him habia that parecia that him habia passed a road roller over its body.... Dani I watch Jorge and it said to him "See that I have to show you something" both went to the garage in which it was the car of its Pope since he was of trip... Jorge tries to raise the bumper of the car with a single hand... that, your these lunatic one, that you think that hernia is going to me to leave one to raise it these Single crazy person... treats, he is not that you are going it to raise, single I want to see if it weighs.... Dani, you do not make me reir, clear that a car weighs can weigh up to 2 tons, everybody knows that... Siiiii! single Jorge but I am wanted to see if you can do it....Mira, Jorge volume the bumper of the car and with its face of red color empezo to try to raise the car, Jorge deals a little but..., Jorge already everything sweated, says him... not I can but Dani, that you want to know with that the car weighs!!!!Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, is very heavy!!!!!!!!!, Jorge sento in a chair to rest despues of a effort like that... when Dani it volume by the neck of the t-shirt and I raise it as a meter of the ground... but for my it is not it, and with the free hand I raise to the car a meter of the floor... you see Jorge who stops my nonweight nothing... but that I pass Dani to you explicame... Dani I explain Jorge to him who was what habia past, Jorge podia not to think it when Dani volvio to raise touching the head of dani against the ceiling, Does not hear Jorge either your weights nothing, jejejeje.... Good Jorge that we can do for porbar this osea huge frame... to make the test drive of my force... Good single Dani is an option, to go to the scrap iron waste basket that ahi are many heavy things to prove, if it is truth we go for alla But in the course of via towards the waste basket... they began to fall meteorites doing the panico in all the city, the meteorites caian in houses, and schools, doing damages and hurting people, when Dani saw that event recordo the words of Sug that the era the Earth protector and his to have era to save the Earth of all threat, Jorge aqui finish our viajesito by the day of today, are necessary to do what there is to do, people of caidas walls and cars damaged by the meteorites went to the impact sites saving that continue falling, when suddenly saving a person of a car that was hit by a meteorite, something hits Dani and it buries it like 10 meters under earth leaving it inconsiente, habia arrived a greater threat at the Earth habia arrived Mantor, a villain who queria to enslave to the Earth and to be the governor of the entire world.

Proper formatting and grammar to follow
The stronger they are, the more muscled they are
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  #3   Add to skumbum's Reputation   Report Post  
Old June 6th, 2006, 05:36 AM
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skumbum is on a distinguished road
It was a very quiet evening; Danny was in his room, in front of the computer. It was around 9pm when he heard a racket near his house which, being in the country, was generally very quiet. But that night there was something different, something very unusual for Danny; an unexplainable feeling he had felt for a long time.

After the loud noise, Danny went to investigate what had happened. When he reached the site, he discovered an extraterrestrial craft. He wondered if it might be a crashed telecommunication satellite, when suddenly a door opened and a being emerged. The being looked unusual and Danny was a little scared. It appeared human, but was fairly tall. Black hair, and a body like Jay Cutler, but better. This body could beat Ronnie Coleman in the Mr. Olympia, based on arms alone. Danny was amazed, "I wish I looked like that," he thought. The being read his mind and responded without a sound, as though they were Danny's own thoughts, "I am Sug of the planet Kaglgon. Thank you for answering my call, and soon you will." Danny realized that the being only communicated telepathically.

The being told Danny, "You are the Earth's protector. You must accept my gift because there are will be many threats from space, and you must defend against them."

Danny was a bit overwhelmed by Sug's words. He answered, "How am I supposed to defend against them when I'm just an 18-year old kid?"

"Yes, Danny--"

"--How do you know my name!?"

"Because I have seen the future, you will be a fine protector."

"But you haven't answered my question? How can I defend the Earth?"

"You will protect the earth with my gift; come inside to receive it."

Danny was confused and scared. His head was telling him not to go through with this, but his gut was saying "let's go". His gut won out and Danny entered the ship.

Everything looked foreign inside. There were machines he didn't understand, and tubes full of unusually-colored liquids. Sug was in a part of the ship that looked like an old movie. Sug had him stop at a metallic grey platform. "Danny, step onto the platform and relax, you will become the protector of the Earth."

Sug pressed a button and a coundown began. "Danny, after this you will achieve things you never could have imagined." When the countdown ended, Sug pressed another button, and a class tube descended over Danny.

Danny started to shout "Get me out of here, get me out of here!!"

Sug only shook his head no. "Transformation has begun," announced a voice in the ship.

As Danny continued to shout inside the tube, a blinding green light enveloped his whole body. He blacked out for a moment and began to float inside the tube. When he came to, he was still inside. He looked down and saw that he was suspended in the air. A yellow light covered his body, and in that moment all of his muscles began inflating like balloons. His biceps became like 21" footballs, his steel chest inflated into two torpedos (something must be lost in translation there??), his abdomen became a brick wall, and his legs looked like a dozen baseball bats put together. Everything was perfectly balanced. He felt energy through his entire body. He felt incredibly strong and powerful. The yellow light went dark and a voice announced, "Transformation Complete." With a wispy puff of vapor, the tube opened.

Feeling a little heavy, Danny exited the tube and asked Sug what had happened. Sug answered, "You are now a protector."

"How am I a protector?"

"Look at your reflection."

"What happened to me?"

"Only what needed to happen."

"I want out of here!"

"Later, I want to give you instructions in how to use--"

"No, I want to leave!" and he started heading towards what he thought would be the exit. With a touch, a door opened.

"Wait Danny, you will activate the self-destruct sequence!"

omg i'm so tired, i'll finish later if nobody else does, but first i need to sleep


EDIT: CelticMuscle beat me to it, but omg, babelfish?? forget it dude i'll finish it later

Last edited by skumbum; June 6th, 2006 at 11:06 AM.
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  #4   Add to skumbum's Reputation   Report Post  
Old June 6th, 2006, 09:35 PM
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skumbum is on a distinguished road
Sug hadn't had the opportunity to finish, when another coundown began. Explosions were heard from around the ship. Danny started to call out to Sug, who had already made his way to an escape pod and ejected.

Danny started running, and by the time he realized it, he had run over 50 miles in a matter of seconds. It was dark out, so he didn't know where he was, but he saw the explosion in the distance. "Wow, how did I do that; how did I get out here?" He started walking and finally arrived at the crash site again. There was no trace of the ship other than a huge pit in the ground.

Danny wondered what had happened, without realizing the changes to his body. He wondered what had happened to Sug, was he dead, or did had he escaped? When he calmed down, he saw that his clothing had been effectively destroyed by his transformation, and he saw that he had a dozen bats instead of legs ( ??? ). "Wow, what a change." He ran his hands over his legs, noticing that his calves looked like granite rocks. When his hands reached his crotch, he saw that it was not only his body that had changed, but his penis and testicles as well. He had a 12-inch penis, and testicles like golf balls. He also could feel that he now possessed tremendous strength; that he could bend a metal bar in half with just his fingers.

Danny returned home. When he reached his garage, he saw a metal bar that his dad used to something something

bleh, this is too time-consuming and not interesting enough, I give up.

Long story short: Danny finds spaceship. Alien Sug gives him a fantastic body, huge genitalia, and superpowers. Spaceship disappears. Danny discovers super-speed, super-strength, bends bar, lifts car, doesn't get tired. Old clothes no longer fit. Discovers super-hearing. Hears cry for help, saves woman trapped in exploding car. Goes home, lifts friend, car. They head to junk yard for heavy objects; meteorites start falling to earth. Saves people from under wreckage, etc. Gets knocked out and buried 30 feet underground by falling meteorite. Space-villain Mantor arrives to enslave the planet and rule the world.

"What will happen to our friend? What are Mantor's plans???? Should I continue the story? Let me know."
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