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Old February 23rd, 2013, 11:08 AM
AKA AKA is offline
Obsessed, in a good way.
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AKA is on a distinguished road
NEW STORY - Transform: Muscle City 9

From the Chronicles of Muscle Club

Muscle City

Part 9

They appeared at first as small black dots against the unending brown that this section of America seemed to be made of. He was driving his classic Range Rover along a stretch of highway that wasn?t even on the map, which was why he took the route in the first place. What?s ?Exploring America? mean if you don?t take some trips off the beaten track?

He had seen almost no traffic at all along the two-lane broken asphalt highway, and the two growing smudges in the waves of heat rising from the land grew larger and larger as he sped towards them.

Two people, he guessed, though what they were doing out here in the middle of nowhere was hard to fathom. Then again, what was he was doing here in the middle of nowhere? Maybe they were travelers like him, adventurers wandering freely about without a care or a destination, just to see what was out here.

As he approached at speed, he saw that they were walking hand-in-hand off the shoulder, and at the sound of his approach the two figures stopped and turned. It was hard to tell who they were at a distance, but it wasn?t hard to tell that they were large.

Very large.

They stopped and one of them raised his or her (though from the size and shape, probably his) arm and the driver realized they were thumbing for a ride. He was going very fast, and did not intend to slow down until he came close enough to recognize that it was two men.

Two very large men.

Two very, very large men.

Wearing the most absurd outfits he could have imagined. When he looked up at their faces, his cock jumped in his trousers and his heart skipped a beat, because they were easily among the most beautiful men he had ever seen anywhere.

He moved both feet onto the brake pedal and his truck began to scream in protest as it attempted to slow from 70 MPH down to nothing in the space of a few feet, which it entirely failed to do. The two men jumped to the side of the highway as the brakes filled the air with a metallic whine and his tires smoked like a signal fire. The Rover began to turn sideways, skidding with sharp jumps before he came back to his senses and righted the vehicle, coming to a stop a hundred feet beyond the hitchhikers and landing on all four tires in the middle of both lanes of the highway at a slight angle.

He was gripping the wheel hard and his breath was fast and adrenaline was pumping into his system when there were raps against his window and he looked over into the most handsome - and troubled - face that he had ever witnessed.

This was more than a man. This was a god. No one looked like that in real life. Comic book artists could draw men like that, but no one made of real flesh and blood was that...perfect.

A muffled voice asked ?Is he all right?? and he looked toward the sound to see another man?s face, almost equal in beauty and perfection to the first man. They had to be absurdly tall to stand that high next to the cab of the Rover, and the first man - the man with the intense blue eyes and the dark shock of shining hair and the scruff of a beard that accentuated the insanely sculpted lines of his strong jaw - said, ?I think so.?

The other man, a man with a shining burr of very short strawberry blonde hair across his handsome scalp, with a broad, muscular nose and jade eyes with flecks of gold in them looked at him and said, ?You okay, dude? Fuck, that was intense!?

?Maybe you should get off the highway,? the first man suggested.

He nodded, mouth agape, and tried to swallow. His mouth was dry and his heart was trying to pound its way from his chest. But he turned the wheel and the Rover jerked suddenly and stalled.

?I think he?s in shock.? Their voices were both low rumbles, as if tigers had learned to speak.

?What should we do?? the other one asked.

The first man tapped the closed window again. ?Do you need some help?? The driver looked into those beautiful and absurdly blue eyes again and nodded slightly. ?Can you unlock the door??

He moved his fingers along the armrest to find the button. The doors unlocked with a loud thunk and the man reached up and lifted the handle. A warm blast of outside air entered the air-conditioned cabin, accompanied by a strong, masculine scent that smelled strongly of locker room. A large hand rested on his shoulder and squeezed him quite agreeably. ?Can you scoot over? I can drive you to the side. I think you need to rest a few minutes.?

?I think so.?

The other, blonde man said, ?Cool accent. You from England??

?Australia,? he answered. ?Adelaide.?

?Cool,? the blonde said again. ?Sounds sexy.?

?I?m Billy,? the dark-haired god said in his deep, powerful tone. ?And this is Carl.?

?Trevor,? Trevor answered. ?I think I can manage, now.?

?You sure?? Billy asked, squeezing his shoulder again. A tingle of something seemed to travel along his arm and into his chest. His brain sizzled and his cock plumped and his balls tingled.

?I think so,? Trevor answered.

Billy smiled. It made Trevor?s dick throb hard. ?Okay.?

?You tugging?? Billy?s companion asked.

?Just a little,? Billy answered. ?I thought it might help calm him down. Distract him from what happened.?

?It?ll distract him, all right,? Carl said, grinning.

Billy closed the door and Trevor immediately missed feeling the man?s warm, strong grip on his shoulder. He pulled in a long, slow breath, his nostrils flaring and stinging from whatever that smell was that had entered the cab, and he drove the large vehicle to the side of the highway and turned off the engine.

The two men were still standing in the middle of the two lanes talking together, and Trevor had a moment to again reflect on their odd choice of clothing. For one thing, each seemed to have selected their outfit from a wardrobe of clothes belonging to someone two sizes smaller than they were. Their shirts were barely hanging on to their torsos, and their jeans were so low and so tight as to border on obscene.

They were so huge! Each man was easily almost seven feet high! And almost as broad as their were tall!

And the muscle they were packing on those tall, broad frames seemed impossible in its development and size. Fat, thick, hard balls and cables of brawn were bulging from every inch of their bodies, and as if that weren?t enough proof of their intense masculine natures, each owned a bulging basket nearly overflowing with meat.

The darker one - Billy - was wearing, or almost wearing, a light blue Oxford button-down collar shirt. It was open nearly to the navel, spreading apart to showcase a chest that looked superhuman in size and depth and hinting that the man owned an ungodly set of abdominal bulges. Its sleeves had been torn (not cut) from the shoulders. There was little doubt, owing to the sheer size of his arms, that no sleeves could have accommodated him anyway. The shirt?s tails were hanging free and fluttering in the Summer breeze above a pair of dark navy jeans so tight on him that virtually nothing of his anatomy was left to the imagination.

And what there was of it was beyond imagination anyway. He had to be packing nine or ten inches of thick cock down there!

If he looked ridiculous, his friend was nothing short of clownish. He wore a ribbed cotton tank top, but the low neck had been ripped open to account for the awesome and unbelievable twin globes of muscle mounted on his wide, furry chest. It hugged the contours of his torso like a second skin, and rode high enough that his navel looked like a tony smile in the middle of another ungodly eight-pack of perfect abdominals. His sky-blue jeans seemed on the verge of popping their button fly clean open so that his monster could burst forth from his loins to reveal itself in its full, overwhelming glory.

As odd as they looked, Trevor could hardly contain his lust for the two men. They were both intensely beautiful and sexy. It would have been hard for him to dream up two more beautiful men than these.

They finished their discussion and came over to his vehicle. ?You okay, Trev?? Carl asked, familiarly. ?You scared the shit out of me with that driving, but it looked fucking cool!?

Billy rolled his eyes slightly. ?Maybe you should step out and get some fresh air? Calm your nerves a bit before you start driving again.?

?Maybe,? he answered.

Billy lifted the handle again and opened the Rover?s door. Trevor stepped out and stumbled a bit on watery legs, but Billy caught him easily and supported him. A fresh series of tingles traveled from Billy?s hands and vibrated through Trevor?s body again. The tingles seemed intent on traveling directly towards his cock. ?Thanks,? he said. ?Sorry about this.?

?We startled you,? Billy said.

?It isn?t the first time,? Carl admitted. ?We...kind of have that affect on some people.?

?I just wasn?t expecting...I mean, I saw you when I was driving up but?.?

?Yeah,? Carl said, ?we?re big.?

?You could say that,? Trevor agreed, looking him up and down. The blonde beauty noticed his attention and made his pecs dance a bit. ?What are you doing out in the middle of nowhere??

Carl hiked his thumb at Billy and started to speak. ?This guy hasn?t had an opportunity to grow anoth?.?

?Walkabout,? Billy said, interrupting his friend. ?So to speak.?

?Americans go on walkabout?? Trevor asked, surprised.

?Yeah, Billy, do Americans go on whatever it is?? Carl raised an eyebrow and and mouthed, ?what the fuck?? at his boyfriend.

Billy grimaced. ?Well, I mean, we just call it a road trip. I guess.?

?I was under the impression that a road trip required a vehicle??

?Yeah, we...kinda...forgot that part.?

?Uh huh,? Trevor answered doubtfully. ?And you also seem to have forgotten your bags??

?We travel light,? Billy explained.

?Very light,? Trevor agreed. ?And where was this road trip taking you??

Carl looked at Billy, who looked at Carl, who said, ?Dunno,? shrugging. ?Just, you know...around.?

Trevor smiled. ?Okay. So, you two are wandering along this deserted stretch of highway in the middle of nowhere, dressed in clothes that look like you stole them from someone?s wash line, without a single bag or backpack, and you?re headed nowhere to do nothing.? His head tilted. ?Have I got this right??

?Absolutely,? Billy acknowledged.

?Uh huh.?

?Kind of...strains credibility, doesn?t it??

?Uh huh,? Trevor agreed smiling. Oddly, though these two men looked like they outweighed him by easily 150 pounds, and they towered a foot taller than he was, and their bodies were bulging with so much muscle that they were literally ripping out of their clothes - he did not feel afraid or even intimidated. That unusual but pleasant tingling sensation was now throbbing through his whole body, accompanied by a very agreeable warmth that left him feeling a bit randy (or more than a bit), and a sense of well-being and confidence were helping to calm his unsteady nerves. He was feeling a strong sense of camaraderie if not downright attraction towards them both, as if he wanted them for friends - or something more than friends. ?You need a lift, then??

They looked at each other, and the blonde-haired beauty smiled broadly. The darker one, whose touch Trevor ached to feel against his skin again, nodded. ?That would be very kind of you,? he said with his deep, marvelous, cock-hardening voice.

?Hop on in, then,? he said. ?Let?s see where the road takes us.?

?Shotgun!? Carl called out, as he quickly jogged around the front of the Rover and climbed in. Trevor couldn?t help but notice the two rounded balls of his ass as he did so, but he found himself laughing at the blonde man?s puppy-like demeanor.

?He?s very?.? Trevor observed.

?You have no idea,? Billy agreed. "I think maybe you should sit in back, Carl."

"Ooooh," he whined, looking over the roof at his companion. Trevor was looking through the windows, overwhelmed again at these mens' sizes. "But I wanted to...."

"I know what you want to do, which is why I think maybe you should sit in back."

"Spoilsport," Carl said, sullenly, but he did as he was told.

With the dark-haired giant in the seat beside him and the blonde, buzzcut beauty on the back bench, Trevor moved the truck back onto the asphalt and restarted his interrupted journey.

?Nice ride!? Carl observed, happily. He was sitting in the middle of the seats with both arms stretched along its back. The strange, enticing spicy scent that the two men seemed to wear like cologne was strong, now. Could it be their sweat? Were his deep, damp underarms pumping it out? Trevor inhaled it deeply, like something he wanted to burn into his memory. He just couldn?t seem to get enough of whatever that funky, musky, deeply masculine scent was.

Billy glanced back at his partner and asked, ?Are you???

Trevor watched Carl shrug in the rear view. ?Maybe. I mean, it couldn?t hurt, could it??

?Maybe not so much so soon,? Billy said.

?Okay,? Carl said. His happy face seemed to fall a bit, but when he caught Trevor?s eyes in the mirror he winked. ?Feeling better, Trev??

?I think so,? he reported. He did not mention the hard-on throbbing in his pants. ?Maybe still a little shaken.?

?That?s to be expected,? Billy agreed. ?We gave you quite a start.?

Trevor kept his eyes on the road as he asked, ?What are you two really out here doing?? When Billy opened his mouth to object, Trevor cut him off. ?I know damned well you aren?t on walkabout.

Carl verified his assumption by asking him, ?What is walkabout, anyway??

?Was originally an aboriginal custom. It?s a journey taken by foot into the outback. A way of living more traditionally.? He shrugged. ?It also means just going for a long wander without any aim.?

?Oh. Then I guess we are on walkabout,? Carl stated, grinning. He reached forward and scrubbed his large paw into Billy?s rough thatch of dark hair. ?Just getting this guy some experience.?

?Doing what??

?What are you doing out here?? Billy asked.

?Trying to change the subject again, eh?? Billy?s uncommonly handsome face reddened. ?Okay, I?ll go first. I made some money selling my company. A lot of money, probably more than?s good for me. I guess I could?ve gone to France or some tropical island, but I wanted to see America. It?s been good to me, and I was curious about the seldom-seen corners and the long stretches of highway.? He looked over, moving his eyes up and down the incredible and unbelievable body of the man next to him. ?You never know what - or who - you might find.?

Billy huffed a laugh through his nostrils and smiled. ?True enough. And I guess you could say that Carl and I are after the same thing.?

?Yep,? Carl agreed, leaning forward. His face loomed next to Trevor?s and that smell came with him. ?We?re out looking for new friends!? His hand came around Trevor?s other side and his warm, smooth palm was resting against his neck. ?Glad you?re feeling better, Trev.? A sudden, strong throb of something shook his body, emanating from Carl?s hand on his skin. His whole body heated up, his heart beat faster, his mouth went dry and his cock suddenly grew firm and uncomfortable in his pants.

?Th..thanks,? he said, nearly swooning.

Billy grabbed the wheel and looked hard at Carl. ?Be careful,? he said.

Trevor blinked hard and corrected the truck?s trajectory. ?Sorry,? he said.

?It?s not your fault,? Billy assured him.

?Maybe Billy should drive,? Carl suggested. ?If you?re feeling...anxious.?

?I?ll be okay,? Trevor said. ?Just got a little dizzy for a second.?

?You?ll be all right,? Billy said. ?Maybe we all should calm down a bit.? He looked hard at Carl, who said, ?Sorry, but I thought?.? Billy shook his head slightly, but Trevor caught the gesture.

?You two need a moment??

?What?? Billy asked.

?Looks like you?re going to have a lover?s tiff about something.?

?A lover?s???

Trevor looked at the dark-haired beauty. ?You two were holding hands when I was driving up, and I know that wasn?t for physical support.? Billy reddened again. ?Even without the hand-holding, I would?ve pegged you two for more than friends just by the way you look at each other.?

?It shows??

Trevor nodded. ?It practically strips naked and shakes itself.?

Carl scrubbed Billy?s head again, good naturally. ?He?s always a little worried what people will think,? Carl said. ?He?s an old dude.?

?Old?? Trevor looked over, then studied Carl in the mirror. The two men appeared to be the exact same age, but he let the comment pass. ?Well, if someone has a problem with it, fuck ?em.?

?I frequently do,? Carl admitted.

Trevor glanced down at Billy?s lap. It would be hard not to notice the bulge in his groin, as well as the thick length of something that looked like a kielbasa along his thigh. ?What do a living, Billy? If you don?t mind me asking??

Billy looked over, then followed Trevor?s eyes toward his crotch. ?We?re in construction at the moment,? he said, placing his hand over his mammoth appendage, ?but I used to teach high school.?

Trevor looked up. ?Really? You were a teacher??

Billy nodded. ?I taught Carl,? he said, hiking his thumb back towards where the blonde hunk of man was sitting.

Trevor looked in the rear view again, and found Carl looking back into his eyes. ?I chased him, if that?s your next question.?

?It wasn?t...though I have to admit to a certain curiosity. How long ago was that??

?A few months,? Billy admitted. ?Why??

?Carl doesn?t exactly look like any high school student I?ve ever met, and you don?t exactly look like any teacher.?

?It was a special class,? Carl said. ?Filled with special students.?

Trevor glanced down at Billy?s covered loins again. ?No doubt.?

Carl leaned forward and also looked down at Billy?s crotch. ?Now you see why he was worth pursuing.?


?Yeah,? Carl purred. ?I know a good thing when I see it.? He kissed Billy?s cheek and rubbed the back of his neck. ?Fuck, I?m horny,? he whispered softly into his lover?s ear.

Trevor couldn?t help but overhear the lament. He looked down again and noticed that Billy?s already impressive equipment was immediately responding to his lover?s attentions. How anything that large could be growing even bigger staggered the imagination, but it was very clearly swelling fatter and growing longer down his thigh.

Carl kissed Billy again. It was a gentle, soft kiss, which contrasted with the man?s huge size and overwhelming masculinity. Everything about the huge blonde stud screamed MAN in capital letters forty feet high, but his gentle kisses and the tenderness with which he massaged Billy?s neck was an overt demonstration of tender passion. ?I need you,? he whispered.

Billy?s eyes rolled up as he closed them. ?Can?t,? he whispered back.

Trevor cleared his throat. ?Um, I know this is probably out of place, but the backseat does recline and it creates a fairly large space to lie down in back.? He looked down again at Billy?s quickly swelling monster.

?Fuck, yeah,? Carl growled softly.

?You...wouldn?t mind??

Trevor met Billy?s eyes. ?Brother, with that monster you got growing down there, I rather thing you better let Carl take care of you before you hurt something.?

?Please?? Carl begged. ?It?s been so long since I?ve had you. I need you, Billy. I need you now.?

?Put the seat down,? he said.

?You need me to pull over or??? Before Trevor could finish the question, Billy was climbing over the back and Carl was shoving the backseat into its reclined position. The Rover rocked and rolled as the two giant musclebound men wrestled inside the interior to get together, and it didn?t take long at all before Trevor watched clothes being stripped off and the sounds of deep moans of pleasure and obviously passionate kisses filled the cab.

He tried very hard not to look back and allow these two insanely beautiful and obviously powerful men a little privacy, but it was hard to do it. He kept seeing naked muscular asses rising up into his mirror, and the sounds of kissing, sucking, moaning, groaning and the occasional ?fuck, yeah,? or ?you feel so good,? or ?I love you,? was making it very hard not to look.

The truck was rocking and rolling all over the road as the two giants shifted and thrusted and got on with the business of sex inside the cabin of the truck. Luckily, there was no one following what must have looked like a very drunk driver trying with little luck to stay on one side of the road.

That odd, musky, masculine scent grew incredibly strong as they pleasured each other, and it seemed to take only a few minutes before one of them was advising the other, ?gonna fucking come,? and then a shudder and a long, low, hair-raising groan of absolute satisfaction filled the truck.

Trevor looked back and saw Carl?s naked torso filling the back of the Rover. Carl?s eyes glanced up and met his and he smiled the most lascivious, sexy, dangerous smile that Trevor had ever witnessed. Then Billy?s naked ass reared up and Trevor realized that the teacher was sucking down the student?s load, gulping with audible pleasure.

Trevor?s own cock was, by this time, begging for release. He had never felt so large. His dick was throbbing hotly and pressing its swollen head against his jeans. He pushed against it with the heel of his hand, trying to get it to settle down, but the heat inside the cab and the smell of sex was too strong. It was as if he were living inside sex and it was coating him with its need and passion.

Now Billy was kissing Carl?s mouth. Carl held the other man?s bulging muscular body in his arms. Both men were evidently naked, and Trevor rolled down the window to bring some fresh air inside to try to calm himself down.

?Better?? Billy growled. Trevor looked in the mirror and saw Carl nod and kiss his lover?s mouth.

?Fuck,? Trevor whispered. It was the most intense thing he?d ever almost witnessed. It felt as if he had been part of it, though his cock?s hardness and insistent throbbing told a different story.

?How you doing up there, Trev?? Carl asked. He was rubbing his hand across his stubbled scalp and grinning like the cat who ate the canary. Billy was now lounging beside him, both men stretched out along the back of the truck, their limbs tangled together and covered in a glistening coat of sweat.

?Not as good as you,? he answered.

?True that,? he answered. ?But there?s an easy way to remedy that, if you?re so inclined.?


?Let me take the wheel for a while,? Carl offered. ?Then you and Billy can get better acquainted.?

?Me and???

Carl nodded. ?I can highly recommend him from personal experience, and I think - judging by the way his cock is still throbbing and leaking - that the man has a little love left in him.?

?Carl, I don?t think Trevor is ready to?.?

?Billy, babe, I think Trevor is more than ready.? He kissed Billy?s lips. ?Are you ready, Trev??

He swallowed hard. He looked into the mirror again at the two incredibly handsome, incredibly sexy, incredibly naked men in the back of his truck. ?I think I might be.?

Carl?s smile turned absolutely lecherous. ?That?s what I thought.? Carl moved forward and put his lips next to Trevor?s ear, setting his warm hand on the back of his neck. ?Pull over, Trev.?

He could feel the man?s warm breath on his skin. ?Okay.?

Carl squeezed his neck. ?Good boy.?

The truck rolled to a stop and Carl climbed out of the back, opening Trevor?s door for him. Trevor started to get out and then stopped dead at the sight of Carl?s glistening naked body standing next to the Rover. ?Oh, fuck,? he said.

Carl bowed slightly with a flourish. ?Thank you,? he said. ?But you ain?t seen nothing yet. Climb on back and prepare yourself.?

?Prepare my???

Carl winked. ?Have fun, Trev.?

They exchanged places. Carl climbed in naked behind the wheel and Trevor peeked his head inside the back door where Billy was waiting.

?Hi,? the dark-haired man said.

Trevor?s brain flipped over inside his head and his heart stopped for a minute. His cock tried to rip its way free of his pants and his whole body felt hot and wet and sticky. ?Huh...hi,? he managed to respond.

Billy?s cock was at least a foot long, and possibly longer. Even on a body like his, which was perfect, the man?s prick was the focal point of everything. It was lying across his heavily muscled thigh, visibly throbbing. The head was as large as a plum and drooled a stream of clear honey along his ruddy, silken skin.

Pulling his eyes away from the man?s incredible tool, Trevor realized that Billy was the most handsome, the most powerful, the most beautiful and the most muscular being he had ever laid eyes on, bar none. He was almost too much to take. Billy leaned forward and offered his hand. Trevor watched the man?s 8-pack abs pop and swell. ?Come in,? Billy said softly.


A sudden wash of intense lust and complete desire washed over Trevor?s being. ?Come in,? Billy said again. ?Let?s have some fun.?

?I don?t?.?

Billy smiled. It melted Trevor?s brain. He stepped inside and the truck began to move.

Trevor started to remove his shirt when Billy?s hand covered his and he said, ?Let me do that.? Trevor steadied himself as the huge naked man sat forward and slowly undid each button on his shirt, looking into his eyes. Then his large hands moved the material of his shoulders and stripped it from his torso.

Billy paused to look at Trevor?s body. His cock rose to attention and a fat stream of pre erupted from the eye and drizzled down his long, thick inches. He moved his hands over Trevor?s skin and leaned in and kissed his nipples tenderly. He placed his hand behind Trevor?s body, pulling them together, moving his lips up Trevor?s body towards his mouth.

The truck lurched and Carl said, ?Sorry.?

Billy put his hand behind Trevor?s neck and kissed his mouth with deep and obvious passion, pushing his tongue inside. Trevor was hesitant at first. After all, this was someone else?s man, and that someone else was currently sitting at the wheel of Trevor?s truck, driving them along a deserted highway.

But the kiss lingered, and it drew him into Billy?s muscular arms, and as they pressed themselves together, chest to chest, skin against skin, the sensation of warm, perfect sex overwhelmed him and he pulled the huge man tightly to him, kissing him back with equal passion.

Carl looked into the rear view, smiling. ?Go get him, Billy,? he said quietly, then fixed his eyes back on the unending stretch of empty road before them.

?Fuck,? Trevor whispered. ?Holy fuck.?

Billy kissed his mouth as his hands traveled south and began to rub and squeeze and caress Trevor?s raging hard-on. Thick shocks of pure sex erupted from everywhere he placed his hand, emanating through Trevor?s jeans like heat. He grabbed hold of Trevor?s meat and a sudden, hard, strong pulse of sex passed into him. Billy kissed him again. ?Let?s get these pants off of you,? he growled. ?I?m gonna swallow you whole.?

?Holy fuck,? Trevor repeated.

Billy undid Trevor?s belt and unbuttoned his trousers, rubbing his cock the entire time. He peeled Trevor?s damp skivvies off his throbbing meat and immediately made good on his promise, as the 7-inches of hot, throbbing prick popped out of his pants and presented itself to Billy?s talented mouth.

He sucked it inside and Trevor?s eyes rolled up in their sockets. He almost lost it all right then, but something pushed against his libido and held him back. He looked down and Billy?s beautiful eyes were looking up at him. He was sucking and stroking Trevor?s cock like a starving man, and then his strong hands yanked Trevor?s pants down his body and his mouth moved to suck both his balls into his warm, wet mouth as his fingers rubbed against the soft, tender wetness of Trevor?s asshole.

Sharp tingles of bliss erupted everywhere Billy touched. Trevor was overheated with lust and desire. ?Aw, fuck,? he moaned, pulling his legs free of his pants and opening his legs to allow Billy all the access he desired.

Billy went to town on Trevor?s pink hole, licking and rubbing and pushing his tongue inside. Trevor had never felt anything like this before. His cock jumped and pulsed with glee as Billy ate his ass, leaving him feeling wet and hot and anxious for something to fill him up.

Billy climbed back up Trevor?s body and kissed him. ?Can I fuck you?? he asked. ?I want to fuck you.?

He looked down at Billy?s hugeness, and a pang of excitement and fear shot through him. ?I don?t?.?

?It won?t hurt,? he promised. ?I would never hurt you.?

Carl said, ?Trust him on that,? from the front seat. ?You?re never going to regret letting Billy Titus fuck you senseless. I speak from experience.?

? so big,? Trevor said, breathlessly.

Billy kissed his mouth again. ?I would never hurt you.? He moved his hand down to Trevor?s wet hole and pressed two fingers inside him. Though he tightened against the intrusion, an immediate eruption of perfect sexual ecstasy exploded through him, as if Billy?s fingers held magic in their touch, and he opened himself to deeper exploration. ?Can I fuck you??

?Fuck me,? Trevor begged. ?Oh, god, yes, fuck me.?

Billy pulled Trevor?s body towards him like a ragdoll and pushed the man onto his back. Trevor?s legs were in the air and he planted his feet against the roof of the Rover. Billy reached down and stroked himself as a thick guzzle of pre drooled from the mouth of the massive cobra. He coated his entirety with the thick, warm lube that he naturally produced in unending abundance before Billy leaned forward, pressing the fat knob against Trevor?s tightness.

Something better than sex entered Trevor?s body. Something deep and magic, something that felt like he was being bathed in pure pleasure. He gasped and groaned and felt himself light up inside as Billy pushed inches of thick, hot, hard cock into his guts. The heavy tool traveled inside deeper and deeper, rubbing itself against the deep well of his pleasure center and he gasped and groaned and shivered from pure, undiluted, overwhelming sexual bliss.

Billy leaned over Trevor, fucking and kissing him with equal need and passion. Trevor?s whole body shook, the intensity of the man?s sudden onslaught of perfect pleasure saturating his entire being with a religious rapture of absolute euphoria.

Carl looked into the mirror and watched his lover fuck Trevor. ?Are you going to do it?? he asked.

Billy?s handsome face lifted up, and he said, ?No.?

?Why not??

?He didn?t ask.? Then he kissed Trevor?s gasping mouth again and pushed a radiating sensation of flawless sex into his brain as his massive tool fucked his ass and his warm, soft lips kissed his mouth.

?Then what???

?Thanking him, of course.? Billy?s hips were slowly thrusting as he moved his magical, massive meat in and out of the other man. ?He gave us a ride. I?m just returning the favor.?


Trevor was struggling to remain sane. He was being bombarded with an uncontrolled and uncontrollable stream of throbbing sexual waves that permeated him to the core of his being. Billy had not been with an ordinary man, and he did not know how to temper his power, so he was simply unleashing it all on Trevor as a gift, giving him everything but the true, lasting gift of power.

Trevor could not cum. He could not. His dick bulged and throbbed, his heart raced, his body broke out in sweat from every pore. His brain crackled and flipped and pulsed with the sensation of pure sexual bliss delivered in an irresistible surge. A flood of perfect gorgeous sex filled him up to overflowing.

He couldn?t speak. Billy kissed his lips. They sizzled with sex. Everywhere Billy touched him erupted in fresh lightning strikes of ecstasy. And where Billy?s cock pushed inside him, filling him up with the source of Billy?s masculine energy, the eruptions of euphoric rapture lifted him into heaven.

He gasped and spun and throbbed. Billy gave him everything in overwhelming abundance. And then they were pushing towards a crescendo and Billy embraced him and held him and spoke a word in his ear with tender softness.


His cock exploded. His balls emptied. He shouted from the joy of the perfect orgasmic release, thrusting fat ropes of cream from his ordinary body in an extraordinary display, pushed to his limits and beyond by a man so powerful that even others gifted with his amplified capabilities were hard-pressed to cope.

Then he shook, physically, as he recovered from the overwhelming power of Billy Titus, and Billy held him, and kissed him, and stroked him, and loved him.

Carl glanced into the mirror, smiling. ?Told ya,? he said.
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The Following 26 Users Say Thank You to AKA For This Useful Post:
aiden831 (February 24th, 2013), andromediavirgo (February 24th, 2013), BB501s (February 25th, 2013), bigbearny (February 24th, 2013), chia1103 (February 24th, 2013), cutlerfan (February 23rd, 2013), desu0007 (February 23rd, 2013), ferro (February 25th, 2013), flange (February 27th, 2013), Generitrans (February 23rd, 2013), gray_spirit (February 27th, 2013), hardmuscl4life (February 23rd, 2013), jcb60970 (February 23rd, 2013), KCG (February 24th, 2013), Mad Dog (February 24th, 2013), Max Mann (February 24th, 2013), Mbrgtt (February 24th, 2013), michaelv2 (February 23rd, 2013), muscular (February 23rd, 2013), nnnrg (February 23rd, 2013), portamivia (February 23rd, 2013), Rippedstud79 (February 23rd, 2013), sonic260 (February 23rd, 2013), Terrylee Long (February 23rd, 2013), timaanv (February 23rd, 2013), Trontastic (February 23rd, 2013)
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Old February 23rd, 2013, 11:46 AM
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Awesome...just awesome!!!
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MuscleChgo (February 23rd, 2013)
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Old February 23rd, 2013, 09:39 PM
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"Their voices were both low rumbles, as if tigers had learned to speak."

The best. description. ever. This is why AKA rocks. Thanks for writing!
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the biggest stud of all?
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Old February 24th, 2013, 08:32 AM
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This story is soooo intense! I loved the car scene, but it was good he didn't grow, I bet Trevor will end up outgrowing the car! Congratulations AKA, thanks for sharing your amazing stories with us.

And people still have the nerve to say the forum is "getting slower"...
There's no such thing as TOO BIG!
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