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  #1   Add to Texzilla's Reputation   Report Post  
Old June 11th, 2006, 03:53 PM
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Texzilla is on a distinguished road
Transition Into The Role : Part 2 - Jesse

[COLOR=#000000]Transition Into The Role – Part Two: Jesse[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Glen came to two conclusions by the end of that Friday. The next on the list had to be his Unit Manager Jesse and it had to be fast. Word was that Kate’s leaving the team was about to become official. While Glen could do his thing and get Kevin out of the picture, with Jesse still in the hiring position he’d just bring in another 20 something from the team to fill the vacancy. If he got rid of Jesse, then they’d have to bring in a Unit Manager who would base the hiring on performance and not ass kissing. Although it still wouldn’t be a 100% sure thing.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Jesse wasn’t a bad guy really, not like Kevin or annoying like Blake was. Just caught up in the corporate cycle and not able to think around it. He was just doing things how he had been shown, by people who had been shown how to do things by people….. on and on. Didn’t make it right. Wouldn’t make Glen stop.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]But it might make Glen change his original objective the more he thought about it. Maybe he didn’t have to get rid of Jesse, just make him a better manager. A smarter manager. A manager who could relate more to the older employee.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]The computer programs and jobs that updated the information didn’t run over the weekend, so that gave Glen a couple of extra days to think about this and load the changes. Glen didn’t want to push the envelope too much, but most people were more shocked over Blake’s attitude and attire than they were the changes in his build. Then again, envelopes were made for pushing.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Glen wasn’t sure how this would work but he pushed Jesse’s age from 27 to 38. He wasn’t sure if this would mean that Jesse would actually become 38 or just look 38. Either way, that was about as much as he thought he could increase that. Muscle mass increased by 40%, a bit more than what Blake got, but Jesse had less mass to start with. Jesse had always been pretty heavy so Glen set it so that the fat would be converted into muscle, but not leaving him quite as lean as Blake was. Hair was something else that Glen had thought a lot about. An older manager would look better with a mature man’s hair style. Setting up the Norwood Chart in the system, he set Jesse’s hair to a Norwood 5, and then changed it to a full 7. That would mean all Jesse would have left in a horseshoe around his head. Which was going to turn slightly grey at the temples. The body hair though, Glen decided to up that by 40%. Guys who were bald usually had a pretty good pelt of hair going for them. Last though, that Glen thought the longest about this, he upped Jesse’s I.Q. by 50 points. Maybe being smarter would make him a better manager. Or maybe smart enough to quit and go work somewhere else and let someone else decide who gets Kate’s job. Oh yea, the gay quotient up to 100%, had to have some fun.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Which a click of the ‘Enter’ button on his keyboard, Glen had set in motions that program that would turn out a new Jesse by the end of the week. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Monday Morning – Day One[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Jesse had a pretty crappy weekend and was not about to show up at work before 10. Their client was on the east coast so it was better that he came in late anyway. At least that’s what he’d tell people. He had a rotten weekend fighting with his sometimes girlfriend Susan, and with that insane situation with Blake on Friday. Attrition in the company was bad but that was insane. Jesse guessed it wasn’t so much that he changed in a week as it was that they really didn’t know the real Blake. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Or maybe Blake didn’t even know the real Blake till that week. That’s what was really bothering Jesse even if he couldn’t admit it. The lingering thoughts that Blake came to terms with inner demons, acted on them, and liked it. Why was there a buzzing in the back of his head that he could do the same? And maybe be just as happy.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Certainly Jesse wouldn’t have been happy with the amount of hair he left on the pillow that morning. Or the amount that went down the drain had he caught it. At least he was able to take a little pleasure in the fact that his pants fit better than morning. Maybe his diet was kicking in at last. Might start hitting the gym more if he could wake up early enough to get in and out before work. Certainly have to make sure his gym wasn’t the one where Blake was working now. Cause the other reason for what happened the week before was that Blake was a big queer idiot and that’s that.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Thought the pisser of the day Jesse kept thinking that an hour at the gym after work would be better than his usual six pack or three. It wasn’t a big place but had a few treadmills Jesse could use, and a few of those Boflex type machines that were easy to set up. Not like those muscle monsters in the corner using the free weights. Those guys almost had like a psychic link or something. Jesse never saw the speak to each other, or even make eye contact with anyone else in the gym, but their movements from one set of weights to the next was almost like ballet it was some graceful and smooth. If the word graceful could be used for these guys. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Jesse even found himself in the shower afterwards with a couple of these guys. Gym shower room etiquette allowed Jesse a quick look, but it wasn’t the muscles that got that look extended a second or two more. It was the tattoos and piercings. Sure they had the usual earrings, even Jesse had one of those before he started working for the company. But along with those and a eyebrow stud or two, both these guys has a ring through each nipple and much to Jesse’s shock, one even had a ring hanging out the end of his dick. How did the guy take a piss? was all Jesse could think. He’d have thought about it more had he not found he was holding a hand full of hair when he went to shampoo.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Tuesday Morning – Day Two[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Frantic calls to his doctors took up the rest of Jesse’s night till he got an appointment the first thing the next morning. He brought along a baggie with the hairs he found in bed and that came out while combing his hair. Jesse’s doctor was able to calm him down some even if he didn’t have a perfect explanation. But after listening to how work stress can effect both weight loss and gain, along with cause hair loss quite quickly, Jesse started calming down some. The Doctor was going to have some blood tests done but mainly told Jesse to calm down and encouraged him to continue his trips to the gym. That would be more of a help than anything else.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]So Jesse figured if it would be ore of a help than anything else, then screw work for the rest of the day, he was hitting the gym early. A quick stop by his apartment, delete the still pissed off phone message from Susan and off to the gym. As impressed as Jesse was in the talent that was hanging around the free weights the night before, it was nothing as compared to the guys working out when he got there. Now these were major muscle monsters. Guy’s whose jobs were their bodies. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Jesse still couldn’t get over the tats and piercings. Even in the brief workout gear these guys wore, some were hard to spot. So there had to be some reason they got them, besides how they looked when they were naked. Shit these guys didn’t need any help looking like god’s gift to mankind while naked without a single silver ring or inked design. There had to be some pleasure in them that would make up for the initial pain they HAD to go through in order to get them in the first place. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]After the third time one of the smaller, by comparison to the other guys at least, bodybuilders passed, Jesse got up the nerve to ask him where he got his work done. Jesse found himself thinking that the guy was ‘a young guy’ but he couldn’t have been that much younger than him, around 22-23. Great build, good tan helped by a darker Italian skin tone. And unlike Jesse was these days, full head of long curly black hair he held back in a pony tail. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]There was a long pause after Jesse asked and a good scrutiny of Jesse before the guy replied, “You don’t want to get these where I got them. Doesn’t look like your scene. You want to go down the street to Diamondbacks. Hang around, check stuff out, and if you have any questions, ask for Gil and tell him Mario recommended the place.” And with a slap on the shoulder, the guy was off, back to the corner with the heavy free weights. Jesse could tell the guy, Mario, told a couple of the other bodybuilders what they’d talked about. Suddenly the heads turned towards Jesse as if to check hi out like he had checked them. What that a nod of understanding, or acceptance they gave? At least it wasn’t a laugh.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Hours later, since Jesse just couldn’t believe how great working out felt, when he left the gym, he didn’t head the couple of blocks north back to his apartment, but south, down the street to this Diamondbacks place Mario had mentioned. It wasn’t the worst place on Earth, certainly cleaner that Jesse expected. He was free to wander the showroom for a bit, but with no one else in the place, it wasn’t long before he drew the owner’s attention.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]“Can I help you? Got any questions?...”[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]“Yea, well, I think so. I’ve just had this feeling like I’d like to get some work done. Kind of hit out of the blue but, just can’t stop thinking about it.”[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]“I stopped being surprised how often I hear that. Seems that a person can see tattoos all their lives, then just see that ONE that grabs them. What were you looking for, something small for a first time? I’m guessing it’s your first one.”[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]“Well it’s not a tattoo that’s got me interested, but some type of piercing. The guy at the gym who recommended this place, Mario, had some amazing ones.”[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]“Oh Mario huh, guy’s never sent me anyone who hasn’t become a regular return customer. Let’s check out the display case, show you what we got as options.”[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]After checking out the various pieces of jewelry, and being surprised at how excited and aroused he was becoming at hearing where they went, Jesse settled on a silver bar for his left nipple. Then when the owner mentioned how it was almost the same price to get both nipples done, Jesse put a slightly deeper dent into his Visa.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]He had to wait a bit for the owner to set things up. As he lay back in the chair Jesse checked himself out in the mirror now that he had better lighting than the gym. His last few days worth or working out appeared to be paying off. His chest looked tighter and his abs a little more defined. Maybe it was the loss of weight which lead to a small amount of skin that made his chest hair look thicker. Thankfully something was getting thicker, his head looked even sparser. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]The guy tried his best to prepare Jesse for the pain, but words couldn’t do it. Good amount of tears and swearing, along with a lot more blood than Jesse remembered when he had his earlobes done years ago. At the same time though, way down deep, Jesse couldn’t deny the pleasure. Intense, but still pleasure. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]But when it was done, they look great. Two silver posts sticking out the sides of his nipples. The guy got them pretty straight too. He went with the posts instead of rings when the guy said they’d be less noticeable under his shirts. And even with only a well worn sweat shirt covering the, Jesse couldn’t see them. He could feel them with every step he took home, but he couldn’t see them through the shirt. The guy gave him some instructions, like give them a rotation every so often, so that the hole heals around them. Other than that he just needed to look out for infection and take some Tylenol for the pain. For a moment Jesse thought of stopping off at the liquor store next to his apartment for a six pack for the pain instead, but passed it by. It was at that time he realized that along without drinking the last few days, he hadn’t had, or wanted, a cigarette either.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]In his apartment Jesse stood in front of the bathroom mirror playing with the posts. He liked how his chest hung now, more like pens and not man-boobs. The brown pelt of fur helped them look all the more masculine. But the thinning hair made his look so much older. Well, he said glancing over to the side, it’s a big day for changes.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Grabbing the old electric clippers Susan had bought years ago to save on haircuts, but was lousy at Jesse snapped off the length guide, leaving the blade at even with the edge. A deep breath, a flip of the switch and he started moving it across his head. The hair that had been quickly falling out the last few days fell out all at once now. Back and forth across his head, Jesse ran the clippers till it was all gone. Just a light shadow of dusting stubble left. With the clippers safely aside, he lathered up his head with his shaving cream, grabbed a new razor and went to work on that. The cheap disposable razors he used for his face weren’t the best for his head, but obsession had little time for a trip to the drugstore for better blades. Jesse found himself shaving his head with one hand while playing with his nipple posts with the other. He washed his head in the sink by splashing some water on it, ran his hand around to feel for any left over stray hairs and then looked at himself again.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Well, maybe not any younger, that was odd, but it looked right, it looked good. That smile was something he hadn’t seen in a while. Not for a long time hanging around with Susan. Not when he got off a long day at work. A little like the smile he had leaving the gym. A lot like the smile Blake had on his face last week when he quit. From the long day and all the exertion Jesse slept deeper than he had in months. So deep he didn’t even hear Susan come in, take the last of her stuff and leave her key. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Wednesday Afternoon – Day Three[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]There had been some commotion when Jesse returned to work the next day due to the shaved head. Lots of people bringing up the whole Blake acted strange comments through the gossip channels. Glen was intrigued by Jesse preempting his impending baldness with the head shave. Sort of ruined his chances of seeing the full MPB. Jesse’s boss had dragged him into a meeting room to ask what was up with missing work and coming in looking like….that. But Jesse was able to produce a note from his doctor explaining what stress was doing to his hairline, and besides, shaving your head was well within the company guidelines. As his boss countered though, as long as it didn’t cause undue attention or cause alarm to the clients. And Jesse had to admit meeting with the client with a shaved head was not the professional image they wanted to give. They agreed to give Jesse some time to reverse the effects of his recent illness before…taking the next steps.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Jesse’s mind was probably on those next steps when he was caught absentmindedly twirling his nipple post through his shirt during a meeting. Of course others in the room didn’t know Jesse was playing with his nipple post. They just thought he was playing with his nipple period. When the blood stain appeared shortly there after, he was off to the Men’s room to clean up and the rumor mill was off and running. Bald heads might be borderline dress code, but a bloody stain on a shirt was right out. And so was Jesse for the rest of the day. Which he decided to spend again at the gym. He needed to relive his stress and Jesse was finding the only place to do that was at the gym. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]The place was pretty much empty when he got there. The free weights were not being used so, figuring he’d watched the muscle dogs enough that week, Jesse went over and started working with the instead of his usual machines. They felt good. He could see why the guys preferred these to the yuppiefied workout machines that took up most of the gym. With each pump he could feel the difference. The strain was greater, and they were harder to hold, but it felt like….power.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Soon enough though, the big boys came to play. Jesse hadn’t noticed them coming in at first. He was almost in a strange Zen like trance as he worked his shoulders. By the snapped back soon enough and made a move to leave them to their weights. Shockingly to Jesse though, they stopped him from leaving and told him he could stay. The guys said they had seen him working out so hard during the week that he earned the right to workout along with them. Plus they seemed to appreciate the shaved head more than work did. And after Jesse showed Mario the nipple piercing he’d gotten, they seemed to appreciate having his around al the more. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]They guys were great, was all Jesse could think. They were showing him things, how to move, how to hold the weights, it was the best work out he’d ever had. While Jesse had been there a couple of hours when the guys came in, he stayed a few hours more just to work out with them. Ending the evening with the guys showing him how to pose down in the mirror. He figured this was the time, this was when they were going to make fun of him but, Jesse was shocked to say the least. With the ways they had him pose, how to hold himself and move, he looked gigantic. Still a little on the heavy side, but it looked good on his now. More mature. When he ran his hands over his belly and chest fur and suggested that maybe he should start shaving like the other guys did, that Mario guy yelled NO, almost like he was afraid that Jesse would actually do it. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Hours later when they were all leaving, the muscle dogs huddled for a minute then had Mario ask him if he wanted to join them a their after hours hang out. Said something about him maybe being the type after all. Without even thinking about having to get to work the next day Jesse said yes and headed off with the guys.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]It was a not they type of bar that Jesse was used to. Sports bar, college bars, pubs near work, he was familiar with all those. This place though. It was dark, clouded with cigar smoke and it didn’t take Jesse long to realize there were no women in the place for a reason. Jesse wanted to run as much as he wanted to find out about the place. It smelled funny but it smelled right at the same time. The masculine smell that the gym had when there were a lot of gyms there at the same time. An aroma of maleness that he liked, liked a lot recently. The guys headed to the bar, grabbed beers and sort of broke out into groups. Luckily Mario didn’t let Jesse stay alone though. He was pretty attentive, showing his around and making Jesse feel a little more relaxed. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]After a few minutes Mario gave him the low down on the place. Yea it was a gay bar. Actually a gay leather bar. The boys liked coming here because after the first beer they could be assured there was a Daddy type who’d pick up their drinks for the rest of the night. That’s why they always came here right after the gym. They’d be sweaty, they’d be pumped which meant, they’d be popular. And still Jesse didn’t bolt. He found himself wondering how much more he’s have to hang out at the gym before he fit in more. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]“Take this.” Mario said suddenly producing a cigar. “You smoke right?”[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]“Well yea cigarettes, but I’ve been trying to quit.”[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]“Cigars are different. You don’t smoke them all day. Here, I’ll light it for you.”[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Jesse has smoked a few cigars in his life, certainly never thought of doing it on a regular basis. As he puffed on the end he caught something in Mario’s eyes. Sort of excited at seeing him light up. Even turned on. Well, shit Jesse thought, if he’s here and he’s into this, Jesse had spent his nights in worse ways than making a buff gay guy’s night. After taking a deep draw Jesse blew out the smoke, making sure some of it hit Mario in the face. The Italian muscle boy took a deep breath of it like he was breathing in the most expensive perfume on the planet. Mario tugged on Jesse’s sweatshirt and led him across the room to some stairs that went down into the bar’s basement.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]It was even darker down there than the main floor was. A fewer guys, mainly off to the sides of the room in the shadows. In the middle of the room, under the only lights were a couple of tables that looked like the kind a doctor would use. Mario led him over to one, stood him in front of it, turned around, pulled off his sweat pants and hopped up on the table. Even while he was taking his pants down Mario already had a pretty good hard on going. Now lying down on the table, legs to the side, it was even bigger. Unsure what was going on or what to do Jesse just stood there smoking his cigar. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]The Italian muscleman got comfortable, as such, sitting up with a smile on his face and kicked from stirrups from the end of the table so his heels could rest in them. He spat in his hands several times and started stroking himself off. Somehow, Jesse knew blowing a mouthful of smoke up the guy’s body would be more than welcomed. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]“Can you see the string?” Mario said sort of gesturing to his groin.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]“Sting?” Jesse asked checking the guy’s groin out. He saw some tattoos and that great ring hanging out of the guy’s cock, but not a string.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]“Check my ass. I always workout plugged up. Feels great, you should do it too.” Mario said shifting around so his ass was higher in the air.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Suddenly a string fell out from between his ass cheeks, with a plastic ring on the end. Tentatively Jesse took the end, finding it well anchored up between the butt cheeks. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]“Pull them out Sir. Do it, please Daddy”[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Daddy….pull the out….what the fuck. Well, Jesse started pulling on the string, it did give some as the sting started coming out of Mario’s ass. Then there was resistance. With another ‘Do it!” from Mario, Jesse gave the string a great pull his new muscles helped out with. Jesse saw the area around Mario’s asshole bulge out a bit before a good sized red ball popped out of his ass. No one in the small group watching from the sidelines could hear Jesse mutter his “Shit” due to the groan of pleasure that came out of Mario. “Keep going”.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]More string came out of Mario’s ass. Jesse’s mind was reeling but he couldn’t stop. Mario’s pumping his dick picked up speed too as yet again his asshole yielded another red ball. Mario hadn’t taken his shirt off and the sweat that was staining it from this session was nothing as compared to his work outs. Trails of sweat ran down his tree trunk like legs which shook from the stain.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Jesse too was sweating. He could feel it dribble down his shaved head, down his neck and into the back of his shirt. Down his forehead and stinging his eyes slightly. As he puffed some on the cigar, making Mario wait for the next pull, he unzipped his sweat shirt and started playing with his new piercings. After another moment, Jesse wrapped the slack of string in his hand, let the tension from his ass go slack for an instant, then gave it a yank that like most suburbanite use to start their lawn over. The last ball shot from Mario’s ass giving the bodybuilder the last stimulation needed to shoot his load all over his sweats.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]For the second time that day Jesse found himself almost coming out of a trance. What had he just done? What was he doing there? Christ he hadn’t had a hard on like this in years, if ever. He had to get out, he had to get home and stop all this. Jesse barely made eye contact with Mario before he turned and all but ran up the stairs, out of the bar and towards his apartment. It was when he locked the apartment door that he realized he was still smoking the cigar.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Thursday Noon – Day Four[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Why Jesse came into work he didn’t know. He couldn’t concentrate, could barely even focus. He had to work on finding’s Blake’s replacement but couldn’t even begin to do that. He had reports to go over but they were all a blur. Once in a while he thought he caught a whiff of the aroma of the bar from the night before. And he found he liked smelling that smell all over again. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Worst of all he couldn’t get Mario out of his head. Like he was worried that Mario would be mad at him. Or wouldn’t let him work out with them anymore. Why had life at the gym taken over his world when just last week this job was his world? But why did Jesse keep feeling like he fit more in his new world better than this old one. A quick note to his boss that they would have…that talk…..the next day and Jesse was out the door. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]He went by the gym first but none of the guys were there yet. Ok, he had to admit to himself, Mario wasn’t there yet. Well then, Jesse thought, he’d swing by is apartment, get suited up and not leave the gym till he showed. Pulling up to his apartment building Jesse’s heart started pumping stronger than one of his workouts when he found Mario sitting on the front steps. His eye lit up when he say Jesse step out of his car.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]“Man, Jesse, I’m sorry ‘bout last night. I thought you…and we…well man I didn’t mean to freak you like that…”[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]“How’d you find me?”[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]“Asked around. It’s a small..”[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]But Mario wasn’t able to complete that sentence with Jesse’s mouth wrapped around his. The two musclemen grabbed onto each other and did not stop the kiss for minutes on end. A quite voice in the back of Jesse’s head was telling him he was stepping over a line that couldn’t be backtracked against. And Jesse was glad to hear that advice. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]How they got to Jesse’s apartment Jesse would later try to remember, but would never be able to. But he was in his apartment with Mario, and their clothes were coming off within seconds. Both men, giant muscle beasts. Mario, younger, bigger build, smoother muscles, tattoos across his arms and some on his chest, piercing in his ears, nipples and cock, and all that curly black hair on his head the only hair on his body. Jesse, looking older, smooth head the only place he was without hair, muscles large and while new, they looked lived in, brand new piecing on each tit. They again went in for a kiss, but this was rougher, stronger and only broken when Jesse reached up and puller Mario off his mouth by grabbing a handful of hair and pulling it back.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]“Get in the bedroom….boy.”[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]As Mario headed down the hall to the bedroom, Jesse swung his hand back then swatted his new boy on the ass with a slap that wasn’t going to disappear anytime soon. He sat Mario down on the edge of the bed, cupped his chin in his hand and quickly shoved his cock down his throat. After gagging for a second Mario started sucking like the true cock sucked he was born to be. Jesse was happy to see he had lost enough weight that nothing kept hi fro seeing his cock go in and out of the boy’s mouth. That is except for the forest of dick hair that still surrounded his cock. He could even feel the hairs on his balls tickle Mario’s chin when he leaned in. Even with his new body, Jesse still knew when he was getting close to shooting, so he shoved Mario back off his cock before he shot. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Mario started moving back on the bed but Jesse stopped him as he went to his side table for a condom. “That bed’s not going to hold both of us for what we’re going to do. Just hang off the end.”[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Taking orders well was what Mario wanted to do from Jesse. Bracing himself on the bed with his hand, he stuck his ass back and waiting just seconds before Jesse started fucking him. Again, way in the back of Jesse’s mind was a voice saying that this was not normal, he shouldn’t be fucking a guy in the bed he was just fucking Susan last month. Jesse subconsciously told the voice to shut up, he was giving orders, which is the way it should be.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Mario was not a quite fuck. His groans filled the small room. The neighbors were going to catch onto what was going on. The neighbors were going to have to get used to it. Mario’s back flared and arched rhythmically with the fuck. He loosened up quickly and Jesse was able to really start pounding away. The young man shot first, getting his cum on Jesse’s feet. That was just the thing Jesse needed to shot his load too. Had it not been for the condom, Jesse would have expected the cum to shot out of Mario’s mouth.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]After a minutes, still breathing hard and sweating, Mario leaned forward and pulled himself off of Jesse’s cock. He turned around and faced Jesse, both men were smiling ear to ear. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]“Wow” was all Mario about say.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Lifting his foot covered with Mario’s cum, Jesse held it to the muscleman’s mouth and all he needed to say was “Lick it off.”[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Hours later the tow men were wrapped in each other’s arms, fast asleep when a knocking at the door woke Jesse up. He didn’t even bother getting dressed as he made is way to the door and opened it up. The daddy bear of a muscleman opened the door to find his former girlfriend standing there. Susan started to say something, but the shock of seeing Jesse as he was now stopped her. Her eyes couldn’t get off what she was seeing. Words could not come. From behind him Mario appeared and her mind reeled all the more.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]“Who is it, sir?” Mario mumbled.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]“No one.” And he shut the door.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Friday Morning – Day Five[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Rumor patrol was hot and heavy as he morning went on and Jesse was no where to be found. The big boss had been storming around all week over what ever was going on with Jesse that week. Word was that Jesse had called in for a meeting early in the morning, not giving a clear reason why he couldn’t show up for this.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Just before lunch the announcement came out. Jesse would be moving to another role within the company, and they thanked him for his contributions to the team for so many years. By the end of the day it was known that Jesse was now the manager of the mail room. Still a manager within the company, but not one that would need to meet with clients or deal with employee who actually would have a future with the company. But it met the less stressful need for a position that Jesse was interested in. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]Glen couldn’t have been happier. Having the enchantment work once could have been a fluke, twice meant it worked without fail. It was strange just how much the guy’s changed though. And the muscle growth was way ore than he thought there would be. But who the hell cared, Jesse was out of the way and that meant Kevin could now get what was coming to him. [/COLOR]

Last edited by Texzilla; June 11th, 2006 at 04:38 PM.
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  #2   Add to omelissokomos's Reputation   Report Post  
Old June 11th, 2006, 04:29 PM
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What a hot transformation! Thanks Tex!
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  #3   Add to dan25's Reputation   Report Post  
Old June 11th, 2006, 05:18 PM
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Way to go Tex---ANOTHER great story---terrific from beginning to end............more PLEASE!!!!!
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  #4   Add to Spudforth's Reputation   Report Post  
Old June 12th, 2006, 02:30 AM
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Spudforth is on a distinguished road
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That was a really excellent story! Stories which have the main character lose/change their identity usually creep me out, this one didn't. I guess because the girlfriend issue got resolved in a normal way... Awesome!
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