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Brainiac, part 3
NOTE: thanks for all the compliments and suggestions. the vision for this just struck me one night while i was driving down the highway (hence the setting of the first part), and now i'm just running with it.
for those of you who've been following and enjoying, at the end of this part, you'll get your chance to contribute...read on for details. PART 3 Autumn. Rob loved autumn. The changing of the leaves, the cool weather, all that crap. There was just something about that season that Rob always enjoyed. Maybe because it so heavily revolved around change. And in autumn, there is Halloween. Rob came home from class one afternoon to find an orange flyer haphazardly duct-taped to his apartment door. He pulled it off and read it to himself: HALLOWEEN BASH Apartment 242 Friday, 10:00 $5 admission COSTUMES REQUIRED! Rob could only laugh. This party would be the ultimate pallette, and he would be sure to bring his brush. The week passed by in an inexorably slow fashion, the way time always seems to pass when you're looking forward to something. But by the time Friday evening rolled around, Rob was ready. He'd resisted several urges to use his gifts throughout the week because he wanted to conserve his creative juices for the treasure trove he was about to enjoy. Rob put his costume on and got ready for the party. He wanted to make sure he could enter the party unobtrusively, so he picked up the ever-so-played-out "Scream" killer outfit from the Halloween store downtown. He'd be able to get in, survey the situation and figure out his plan of action without drawing attention to himself. He hadn't yet decided whether or not he'd change everyone at the party, but that would all depend on what raw material he was given to work with. At just after 10:00 pm, Rob made his was downstairs to apartment 242 and knocked on the door. A tall, chubby senior named Chris answered the door, obviously already a few drinks deep, and took Rob's five-spot before pointing him to the keg and closing the door behind him. As the hours went by, people came and went, with costumes ranging from the very mundane to the extremely creative. By around midnight, the party was hopping and the apartment was nearing capacity. It was time, Rob decided, to make this the most memorable Halloween of his life. "Stop." Rob removed his white rubber mask, thankful to finally feel some cool air against his face. He scanned the room, searching for his first subject. Rob found him quickly. He walked through a maze of frozen partygoers and stopped in front of a comically short guy trying to pass as a football player. It was clear this kid wasn't trying very hard to impress with his costume, as his "uniform" consisted of a university football jersey stuffed with pillows to imitate shoulder pads, complete with a salad bowl for a helmet. Rob allowed himself a little chuckle before touching the kid on the shoulder. "Isolate object and edit." The first order of business was clear. "Increase height to 6'3". Increase weight to 250 pounds. Increase musculature 200 percent. Neck size: increase 180 percent. " Already, the kid was looking more and more like a real football player. By making his neck muscles so large they almost consumed the lower part of his head, Rob took a step towards making his subject a linebacker no running back would want to encounter in the open field. "Hair: blonde, shoulder length, straight. Eyes: green. Nose: broken four times. Cheekbones: increase 100 percent. Jaw: increase 150 percent. Tattoos: Tribal armband, right bicep." Physically, the guy was there. Now all that was left were the finishing touches. "Name: Jason Burke. Area of origin: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Occupation: student, varsity football player, middle linebacker, skill level expert. Finances: adequate. Vehicle: 2003 Dodge Ram pickup, black. Speech: load speech template Jock3, adjust thought processes and mannerisms to match. Sexual orientation: heterosexual. Sexual activity: frequent, monogamous. Recreational activities: video games, watching sports. Non-football intelligence: decrease 30 percent. Alcohol use: occasional, moderate. Drug use: none. Tobacco use: dip, three times daily. Clothing: football uniform and gear during play and practice; load clothing template Jock2 for personal wardrobe." Where previously stood a tiny college kid in a half-assed football costume now loomed a massive, hulking linebacker with a large pocket of smokeless tobacco bulging from his lower lip. Rob was satisfied, but this was only a warmup. There was still an entire party full of blank canvas for Rob to paint. NOTE: here's where you all come in. the question is very simple: what are the other partygoers dressed as? keeping in mind that it's a muscle fiction site, tell me what costumes you'd like to see made into reality and i'll do the best i can. thanks for all the support and really, thanks just for reading. |
how about some super heros? like super man, and the hulk, both with members to choke a horse? and if you do the hulk, actually make the guy rip out of his clothing? just my $.02
yeah The Hulk would be the obvious first choice, and you already took the fb player idea.. that leaves my imagination just about tapped out already.. lol
maybe like a farmboy in overalls or something, although I don't know why anyone would dress that way as a halloween costume, but I know that huge guys who are too big for their overalls is a popular thing. |
How about a Viking? and i definately second the farmboy thing..
A stud cop for me. And a werewolf would be cool but there could be more fun if there's a werebear, if you catch my drift.
Last edited by Yachirobi; December 4th, 2006 at 07:33 PM. |
How about Paul Bunyan? Or some super-sized wrestler, like Andre the Giant?
Another question: What would happen if Rob didn't stop time to do his alterations?
The devil or a demon of that nature or archangel from X-Men
Here are some suggestions, in no particular order:
1) Have a nerd turn into a super-muscular, big-haired, heavy metal glam-rocker, ala the early Nick Rhodes from Duran Duran (i.e., the "New Romantic" look) or the group Britny Fox (see their debut album cover) 2) Turn a really conservative dude into a super-muscular studded leather punk, complete with a HUGE (at least a foot high), rainbow-colored mohawk 3) Turn a pimp (or someone dressed as a pimp!) become a super-muscular teenage world champion rodeo cowboy, complete with huge trophy buckle, FANCY western shirt, cowboy boots, etc. 4) Change a goth into a modern-day teenage Liberace, and have his outfit become progressively fancier, richer, and "more spectacular" (as Liberace himself used to say during his shows)--AND have his muscles grow bigger and BIGGER as the evening goes on--in fact, have EVERYBODY'S outfit get wilder and richer and fancier AND their muscles grow bigger and bigger (that is, everybody Rob chooses to "work on," so to speak--have everyone else remain unchanged!) throughout the evening! If nothing else, I hope these ideas will help somebody else's creative juices start to flow! Any other suggestions? ![]() |
I third the farmboy idea. As for my own........ How aaabout, a SantaClause, a PowerRanger, Fireman, SpiderMan, Hercules, and a Cowboy. And maybe some Anima nerds like Goku, Cloud, Naruto, ect. And prehapes a guy in a tu-tu as a joke.
Classic http://darkluster4.deviantart.com/journal/12559533/ http://www.squiby.net/view/3308001.png Great game, but I need friends/allies: http://www.travian.us/?uc=us1_13240 |
wow, guys. 300 views and 9 comments in just a few hours...thanks so much for taking an interest. when i get inspired, i have a lot of fun writing, and it's great having an audience that inteacts with the process.
some really great suggestions so far. i can see a solid handful that i'm definitely going to use. in as much as we can call anything in this genre realistic, i'm going to try and keep it as believable as possible. so i doubt we'll see any power rangers or giants, but batman's a superhero without powers, so he (and others like him) are certainly in play. again, sincere thanks for reading, and i hope to keep you all hooked for a while. |
I second the cop and firefighter ideas. Also I would like to see one of them go from scrawny computer nerd to gangster from the 40's, with suspenders and a cigar and fedora. Age them by about ten years and give them a shady look to them.
Other ideas: turn a jock into a sissy boy with a lisp. Turn a preppy uptight guy into a gangsta wigger wannabe rapper. Turn someone's little brother into the big jock and the big jock brother into a little power ranger or something. Also, cowboy costumes would be fun. |
i fully agree with the farm boy\cowboy idea and i really want to see a scrawny guy go to a cigar smoking 40's gangstar the hole shebang!!!!
How about a drill sargent or a samari You must do a story where an authorityfigure tries to disarm the party and gets turned to part of the crowd. Maybe a bunch of campus securty can try and break it upand all fall prey to the brainiac! |
How about some mexican style wrestler, with face mask and cape?
This is probably going to sound lame but how about a guy who looks a bit like Prince Adam (the new one, not the old basin haircut) and have him turned into He-Man
There are 2 rules to being a success in life: 1. Never give out all the information. |
Okay, LOVE this story, so I hope you keep it up...
Some things that I think would be interesting to see: A surfer dude A lifeguard A porn star A gladiator A barbarian and someone that uses speech template Asian Thug 2.3 |
very hot story so far, thanks for sharing with all of us! i'd love to see some of the following costumes get the braniac treatment...some reward, some punishment.
a cihppendale style stripper an american indian anything military a caveman movie stars george bush (transformed, of course!) |
Yes. A caveman would be nice!
I like what is being done with the series: muscle body/facial hair and smoking. And any kind of uniform is hot: Soldiers, jocks, cops, firefigther. It's great when they lose some IQ points too. Thanxs for the stories |
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