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NEW STORY: Dad recovering authority
Note from the author: This one is dedicated to all the ones who are into dad musclegrowth stories, hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Dad Recovering Authority Marta was frying some eggs in the pan when she heard his son coming out of his bedroom "Ricky, come over, food is almost ready!" "Oh sorry mom I've got to go" "Go now?! you didn't tell us anything, Rick you're only 15!" "Oh not that crap again" As they were discussing, Hector, Marta's husband and Rick's dad, entered the front door. "Hi everyone!" Hector said "Oh Honey", replied Marta, "did Ricky tell you he was going out tonight?" "Well, not at all... Where are you going young man?" "I'm going out with uncle Dick, you know, have a couple beers" "I don't think that will be possible, you or your uncle must let us know with anticipation when you're going to go out", said Hector in a tone as severe as he could, these moments he wish his voice would've been more manly and deeper but it was a little bit higher pitched than he expected. "Are we starting with this crap again?", replied Ricky in an arrongant tone. "Ricky, your school grades are disastrous, your teachers keep complaining about your bad behaviour, you insult us, instead of studying you drink beer or smoke weed all day long, what's going on with you?", demanded Hector. "Bla bla bla, leave me alone you picksweak!", as Ricky let this out he pushed his dad away, with enough force to make Hector tumble and fall to the ground. Despite being just 15, Ricky had grown quite big, he was 1,80m (5'11") and weighed 85Kg (190lbs), he was also recruited for the school's rugby team and had regular workouts so he was very well built and strong for his age, he got the genetics of his uncle Dick, Marta's brother, who was a big and strong sportsman as well. Hector, on the contrary, was dwarfed by his son at just 1,70 m (5'7") and weighed just 65kg (150 lbs) and he couldn't help feeling intimidated when he had to impose some limits on his kid. Then the doorbell rang and Ricky rushed to open, it was Dick, the figure of the 1,87m (6'2") and 110kg (250lbs) stud impressed everybody, he was wearing a leather jacket and looked young and handsome. He rode a motorcycle "So, are you ready for a ride with your uncle, buddy?", he said to Ricky in a friendly tone. Hector recovered and stood up from the floor, he and Marta got closer to the front door. "I'm afraid Ricky can't go with you, Dick", said Hector, Dick looked down on him with despise, as if he was looking at a rat. "Ricky's grades have been very bad lately and he's not allowed to go out, besides I don't want you to take him to drink beer, he's 15 for Christ's sake!", said Hector in anger. Dick laughed and made a mocking gesture with his hand and said "bla bla bla bla!", then looked at Ricky with a sympathy grin. As the young boy was going out Hector tried to grab him but Dick pushed him away with such force he couldn't beat and forced the smaller man violently towards one of the walls of the room. Ricky left the house and jumped on Dick's bike, the uncle accelerated his motorcycle, screamed "Ciao!" and left. As the sound of the bike was fading out in the distance, Marta got close to her husband and hugged him, "Oh honey...", she said "Your brother's been an ass you know..." "Yes, I'll have to talk to him about this" "How many times have you talked about this with him? And he doesn't change, I don't like the example he's giving our son" "I know honey, I do what I can", said Marta as she caressed his husband. Although he was a small guy, Hector was quite handsome, he had strong well cut black hair, a thick well groomed full beard, strong jaw, straight nose and handsome hazel eyes. Marta had told him a couple of times he should work out some more, specially because in her family most men were naturally muscular and strong, nonetheless she loved her husband because he was a good man, there was nobody more considerate and caring as him and because he was very smart, and she understood that his occupation left very little time for extra activities. At 39, Hector had two college degrees, as biochemist and as a medicine doctor, he was working for a government contractor researching for the army, in the P.E.S.D. department (Physical Enhancement and Supplement Development). His job was in part to blame for the lack of respect his son had for him, he wished he could've spent more time with him during all of Rick's childhood. The following day, a sunday, it was 8 am when Ricky and Dick returned. Rick was drunk and could barely keep standing. Dick was kind of high but not as drunk or unconscious, Marta and Hector asked him why did he let his son get drunk, Dick didn't reply he just dragged Ricky and threw him on Hector and Marta's arms, who took their big son to his bedroom with quite an effort. They let Ricky sleep until noon when the kid woke up and served himself some cereal, as Marta and H?ctor were in the kitchen. Marta was trying to open a jar of marmalade but it was too well shut for her "Let me help you sweetie", said H?ctor and grabbed the jar, he tried to unscrew the cap for several minutes but he couldn't. Ricky laughed, "haha you're so weak, better let a man do it!", the kid said and took the jar off his dad's hand. He grabbed it tight, strained and bent over and with a pop the jar was open and handed it to his mother. H?ctor gave him a serious look. "Son, I expect you to spend the rest of the afternoon improving your math", said H?ctor. "No way! Coach says we've got to train on weekends now, so I'm going to the stadium to kick some ass and make these guns grow", said Ricky cheerfuly as he checked his big young arms. "What?! You're not, you're staying here!", said H?ctor "Haha, and who's going to force me, you wimp?!", Rick replied defiantly. "I'm your dad boy, you must do as I say" Ricky just laughed and stood "Hey, you're going to finish that", H?ctor voice trembled in anger pointing at the cereal. "Ah forget it, I'll buy something to eat outside" "And where do you get the money for that? I didn't give you anything!", H?ctor remarked "Uncle Dick gives me money" "I'm not going to let you hang out any more with him! he's a bad influence" "Well, he understands me, he's twice the man you are, you -little daddy-" H?ctor was furious and tried to grab him but Ricky shoved him away, when H?ctor insisted his son punched him hard in the face, H?ctor was shocked, dizzy and blood came out of one of his lips. Ricky walked away and closed the door violently behind him. Marta got close to H?ctor, and when he recovered his senses he decided to call Ricky's coach, he had a few things to talk to him. "Hi, I'm talking to Mr Trachine?" "Yeah, it's me" "Hi, I'm Ricky's dad" "Oh yeah Ricky, one of our best kids, you got top material there" "Yeah well, he told me you're going to start training on sundays too?" "Yeah, we've the nationals coming up and I want this team to be the best!" "Well, we have a problem with that in here our son needs to improve his grades and sunday is the only moment we can stay all together at home and help him with his studies" "Look, Ricky has told me a lot about you, I don't care if you're such a nerdy wimp who wants to study all day, but your son is not like that! Unlike you he's one big and strong athelete and that's something you won't understand ever in your life!", said Mr Trachine in a mocking tone. "You aren't giving roids to my son, are you?!", H?ctor had suspected about this for a long time "That's none of your business, let your son decide what he wants to be!" "But he's 15! I'm not going to let him play anymore!" "And how are you going to stop him you sissy man?, I hear your voice in the phone and can't stop laughing you sound like a girl haha I'd like to have you in front of me and kick your butt!" H?ctor hung up the phone in anger. "He's such a jerk!" He went to the bathroom and cleaned up his face, his lip had stopped bleeding but it still hurt, the situation had surpassed his capacities, Marta tried to calm him down and they went to sleep until the following day. At the lab H?ctor and his assistant, Daniel, researched a series of experimental compounds called super HGH (human growth hormone) or sHGH, these substances were modified molecules of HGH mixed with radioactive isotopes. It was discovered that this mix greatly increased the effect of HGH stimulation in physical healing, strength, muscle and bone growth and also reducing the side effects to almost zero. The government was extra cautious about these type of research and the verification and use of this compounds were going to take decades, they've been treating two volunteer subjects, two soldiers, with a very diluted version of sHGH, they've been giving them a dose of 1 microgram a year for five years now. The effect of the treatment in these men was like having the most powerful anabolic steroid ever and multiplying it by ten. The men kept training regularly as they normaly did with the only difference that their muscles grew a hundred times faster than those of the rest of the soldiers, their muscles also grew more dense and solid, thus becoming a lot stronger than their peers. Along these five years of treatment both test subjects attained the equivalent physical strength of 10 soldiers. Other added benefits from sHGH included strengthening of bone structure (their bones became eight times as resistant) increase in height (both men became two inches taller), dramatic increase in stamina and physical resistance at all levels, improved sexual performance and genital size. Sometimes H?ctor and Daniel thought the goverment kept their investigation at a too slow pace, the dosage they were using was ridiculously low, the machine that synthesized the drug produced vials of 10 grams of sHGH, they had to use only 1 microgram which is a tenth of a millionth of that dose. They thought if they used 10 micrograms they'd achieve the results of five years in two hours, still being completely safe and without side effects. Probably, they thought, they didn't want a soldier to become too powerful by accident, so powerful they'd be unable to control him. The test subjects had become very powerful but they still could be killed by bullet fire, in theory a higher dose of sHGH can make someone's body structure so tough that not even bullets would be able to pierce that subject's skin. It's been a while now that H?ctor began to fantasize about giving himself a shot. What would stop him from doing that? He knew the drug was safe, all the testing in animal and human subjects was successful. Only 5 micrograms would make him grow enough to give his son and the rest a lesson or two. He decided to talk to Daniel. Daniel thought it was crazy at first, but then he realized that they hadn't tried doses higher than 1 mcg, which is ridiculous, for the sake of the investigation they needed to do this and it would help H?ctor who was a great friend and teacher for him. "So, are you going to prepare the 5 mcg diluted compound for me?", asked H?ctor "Yes, I'll make it today and you'll have it by tomorrow early morning" The drug had to be prepared and used within two days or the isotopes lost their effect, once in the body the effect of the physical changes were permanent and the body seemed to "learn" and kept working in an invigorated way indefinitely. They left all compound vials in a special sealed fridge in the lab, there was a little amount of radioactivity involved but nothing harmful. While H?ctor was at a meeting where he detailed the progress of their research, Daniel spent the whole afternoon preparing the 10 grams vial, the process took several hours and was very complicated, at 8 pm Daniel was tired as hell, and dilluting the drug took at least 4 hours of work, so he decided he would leave the process for the following day, he'd arrive earlier and tell H?ctor he had to wait a couple more hours until it was ready. The following morning H?ctor had another argument with his son, he'd been arriving late at school for several days, he couldn't take it anymore and left home without even having breakfast, he arrived at the lab, anxious to start the drug test asap. As it was too early, Daniel hadn't arrived yet, so H?ctor eagerly checked the fridge and found the compound vial "Awesome!", he said cheerfuly and grabbed the vial, he checked it, there was no way to distinguish diluted sHGH from non diluted, it was just transparent liquid, so he thought it looked well enough. He loaded the fluid inside a syringe and popped it into one of his veins. A few minutes passed without any changes, when Daniel entered the lab. "Morning!" "Hi Daniel, good morning!" "Oh, Hec, you'll have to wait for a few hours I have to dilute the...", said Daniel as he saw through the fridge door's blindex glass that there was no vial. "You mean that vial was not diluted yet?!" "No, it wasn't" "Oh shit!", H?ctor panicked and instantly he began to feel tremendous pain, then fell to the ground and bent over, he screamed for about 15 minutes of the most torturing agony, he thought he was going to die. Then pain relieved a little and he began to feel his clothes getting tight. He was wearing a shirt with stripes and flannel trousers. Daniel could clearly see that the body was growing and stretching the fabric. It started slow but increased in speed every second and soon Hector's legs began to surpass the length of the trousers until they barely reached his calves, his shoes were also being streched out by his growing feet until they split open leaving him bare foot, at the same time, Daniel began to see H?ctor's torso growing in size, bulking up and stretching the shirt, soon it ripped open as the back widened tremendously, his lat muscles that were non-existant before, began to spread like wings of meat. The buttons in the front of the shirt popped off and flew all over as his rib cage expanded and his pecs jutted outwards, the shoulders inflated like balloons and the arms grew in length until the shirt sleeves were too short while at the same time his upper arms increased in size and perfected their shape until they were bigger than rugby balls, instantly tearing out the fabric, his forearms also filled with solid muscle mass. At the same time his ab muscles began to appear from nowhere, his thighs shredded the trousers and became two tremendous slabs of powerful muscle, where divisions and crevices could clearly be seen inside, his calves grew in proportion with the thighs and took a powerful shape, while at the upper part of his body his neck was thickening along his deltoids that were growing to grapefruit size or more. His head also grew a little bit in order to keep proportion with his new body, as long as slight changes in his complexion, like a slight growth of the chin and a slightly stronger facial structure that actually increased his good looks and his manliness. While the transformation finished, H?ctor was still crouching on the floor, he was drained from the process, the remnants of his clothes were still over his body, suddenly he began to feel a lot of strength coming into him, all the tiredness and dizzyness disappeared, and he experienced a surge of tremendous power. He stood up revealling his whole body to Daniel. "Holy crap!" he let out, in a voice that wasn't his as he felt his own new body. "Hear my voice, is this me?", he said, his deep booming tone made the room shake "Do you feel ok?", Daniel asked "OK?!", H?ctor replied loudly and powerfuly, "OK is not enough, I feel like a locomotive!", he said as he took off the shredded pieces of fabric that remained drapped around his body, bent his enormous arms and flexed his chest contemplating his new muscle mass and checking his new physique. He ripped away what was left of his trousers revealling his genitals. Daniel lowered his gaze to H?ctor's dick and opened his eyes wide. H?ctor also looked down and though blocked by his enormous chest muscles he could catch a glimpse of his new prick and balls, they were the size of a bull. H?ctor couldn't help let out "Darn, I'm a fucking bull!", then quickly added, "Hehe sorry this is embarrasing", H?ctor blushed and covered his crotch with his huge hands. "Don't worry I'll get you something to wear from our test subjects". Daniel quickly got a pair of black shorts from a drawer near by and got close to H?ctor to hand them, the now big man grabbed them and crouched to put them on forcing them to fit over his huge muscled butt and big dick and balls. It was snug but it fit. As H?ctor stood again with his short pants on, Daniel coudln't help contemplate the new man up close. From his perspective, H?ctor was now a mountain of muscle, he looked down on him, almost two heads taller, and so wide it covered most of his eyesight. He contemplated one of his upper arms and realized it was bigger around than his own torso. He looked down at one of H?ctor's thighs and also reckoned that there had to be more condensed muscle in that thigh than he'd have in his whole body if he trained in a gym for ten years. "Damn, you're so huge, I wonder what your measurements are!", said Daniel, "let's go have a measure" They went to the next room where they had training equipment, strength testing machines and measurement devices. H?ctor felt amazing as he walked with his new legs, the floor seemed to squeal under his weight, but he felt as if he was light as a feather. H?ctor knew the place and immediately got over the measurement platform, there a few lasers circulated his body and took extremely precise measurements. "Ok", said Daniel as he looked at the screen, "you're now 2m (6' 7") tall, weigh a total of 207 Kg (462 lbs), your upper arms are 75cm (29") soft, wow your forearms are like 50 cm (20") that's as big around as my thigh! Your chest is 220 cm (86"), legs 115cm (45"), my god! Would you bend an arm for me?", Daniel asked and H?ctor did it smiling broadly. "Wow, your upper-arm is 85cm (33") flexed", Daniel almost screamed. "You won't believe this, your physical structure has reached level theta density", said Daniel in technical jargon. "Oh my god, that means..." "If our theory is right, you won't have to worry about bullets from now on, and your bone amd muscle structure are probably the most powerful thing that exists on earth" "There's one thing still to measure, would you take down your pants?" H?ctor was familiar with the procedure as they did this with their test subjects regularly and pulled down his pants, revealling his large man meat. "Ok then, measuring... wow, your dick is 17 cm (7") limp, and 10cm (4") around" "Holy crap! That's what I call a man!", said the now big stud. "And now for the erection measurements" H?ctor immediately stroked his cock until it was erect, the thing was huge and hard as steel, like he'd never felt before. "Geez, you got a 28cm (11") long dick now! Girth of about 18cm (7")"... said Daniel trying to sound profesional. That thing looked like it could penetrate a wall of steel. H?ctor put his pants back on, got off the platform, smiling broadly, feeling better than ever in his life "Now let's check your strength, why don't you try picking up that weight over there?", suggested Daniel. It was an olympic weighlifting 500kg (half a ton - 1100 lbs) weight in a corner, the test subjects began to use as part of their training as they got stronger. "OK", the big man replied and went in front of the weight, then crouched and took the ends of it cautiously, preparing for an extenuating effort. Then he stood, picking up the weight to the height of his shoulders, "You gotta be kidding me, right?!", H?ctor boomed at Daniel. Daniel was puzzled. "This weighs nothing!", said H?ctor and took the weight over his head, then released one of his hands and held it just with his left arm. He turned the weight around to check it out, apparently it had two 250 kg plates in it, "My god! This is half a ton of weight, right?", H?ctor said rejoyced at how easy it was to handle it for him now. "Yes, it's certified weight!" H?ctor toyed around with the weight tossing it in the air and exchaging hands, he smiled and put his hands at the ends near the plates, then easily bent the steel bar like it was made out of butter, "Awesome!", he let out and put the weight on the ground. Marta was a teacher and she was correcting some exams at the kitchen table, when she heard the front door open and some heavy thuds that sounded like someone walking, the living room's wooden floor squealed badly. "Hi honey, is that you?!", she screamed H?ctor didn't know how to show himself but he thought what the crap "Yes, sweetie! I've got a surprise for you", hollered Hector in his now booming bass voice. Marta was confused, the way he spoke was that of her husband but the voice was so deep it'd put Barry White to shame. "Are you ok honey?! You sound weird" "I know, come over and you'll see why" Marta stood and entered the livingroom and she first got the creeps, there was a huge man standing - no - filling up her whole living room, the man was wearing a tight grey t-shirt, black short pants and a pair of tennis shoes, all she saw was muscle on top of muscle and took her a while to realize that the head attached to that tremendous physique was that of H?ctor. "Oh my god!" she said and fainted. H?ctor quickly grabbed her with one of his big hands and easily picked her up holding her single-handedly. He thought to himself how many times he tried to be romantic and lift her up in his arms and how he always failed and they ended up falling on the ground, now it felt like his hand was holding the lightest thing in the world. He gently layed her down on the couch and waited a few seconds until she recovered "Oh my god, she said, is that you? H?ctor?" "Yes" "But how?" "I can't say, but it's obvious that this is thanks to my research" Marta sat up and grabbed one of her husband's upper arms. "Damn you're enormous!" H?ctor bent his arm for her, she caressed the enormous bicep peak. "Hehe, yes, I think I've gone too far" "No, I love it! I'd always been around big men and I knew I'd made the right choice of choosing brain to brawn, no matter what my family said" she said as she run her hands over his enormous pectorals feeling the solid round muscle, "now you'll make my brother look tiny!" "That jerk!", H?ctor said, "I'm eager to see him again! When is Daniel coming back?" "Oh, he'll be back any minute, this is going to be such a surprise for him!", Marta said. "Indeed!" When Ricky turned back home he entered the kitchen fast, he could only see his mother there, "Hi Mom!" "Ricky why are you in such a hurry?", asked Marta. "Is dad home?", Ricky asked "No, he didn't return yet." she lied, "But what are you doing", Marta asked again as his son was opening the fridge and engulfing all he could. "I'm on the go mom!" "Where are you going?" "None of your business" Marta walked close to him "Son, why don't you stay here to eat with us?" "I don't want your crappy food!", he shoved her away and walked towards the kitchen doorway. As Ricky was leaving, he bumped into something hard that forced him to stop, he didn't understand what it was at first, but when he gave a second look he realized it was a man, a very big man, in fact, the BIGGEST man he's ever seen, tall enough that his head brushed the top of the door frame, wide enough that he had to shrug to let his wide shoulders past the frame. As seconds passed he distinguished more features in this behemoth of a man, his legs were so big that not even the biggest guys in his rugby team had legs half that size, he possessed upper arms so thick that he could fit his head two times in each one of them, a chest that was four or five times bigger than his. The enormous man was more than a head taller and looked down on him, Ricky pertrified when he realized the huge man was H?ctor. "Dad!?" H?ctor smiled and walked towards him slowly. Ricky instinctively retreated. "Well, little fella, looks like you'll have to apologize to your mom!", said H?ctor in a deep vibrating tone that made all of Ricky's body shake. "What happens? Mice ate your tongue?", said H?ctor cheerfully and put his huge hand in one of his sons shoulders. "It's you dad! how did you become like this?!", asked the young man "Well, that's -none of your business-", replied H?ctor mockingly "I don't hear you apologizing", the big man said and lightly pushed his son towards Marta, the dad's faintest touch was enough to make all of Ricky's body shake. "Sorry mom, I didn't mean it...", said Ricky, ashamed Marta and H?ctor nodded. "So, where were you going, Ricky?", asked H?ctor and put his hands in his hips expanding his enormous torso. Ricky took a moment to answer, "Oh, uncle Dick will take me for a ride in his bike, just, you know, go to a few places...", Ricky's tone was already more humble. "Well, you're not going anywhere" said H?ctor with firm and extremely manly tone. "You can't force me!", defied Ricky as he motioned out of the kitchen. H?ctor put his index finger in his son's chest and pushed forward, that was enough to throw his son against the wall in front of him, "Well, I think I can", replied H?ctor. "Well I don't care how big you are...!", Ricky continued H?ctor smiled and grabbed his son's jacket with one of his hands, lifting him off the ground like a scarecrow. "It seems that you don't quite get it, right? From now on, things are going to be very different in this house, you're not going out with uncle Dick or train in the weekends until your grades improve, am I clear?", said H?ctor as he lifted his son up some more in the air. Then they heard the front door ring "That must be Dick!", said Marta "You're not going anywhere boy, stay here, understood?", said H?ctor firmly Ricky looked down, like ashamed. H?ctor let him down gently and walked towards the front door. Dick was waiting outside when he saw the door open, the figure of the man that was opening the door almost makes his jaw drop to the ground. "Oh my god!" he exclaimed "Wassup Dick?!", said the big man with his mighty voice "Is it you, H?ctor?!" "Yes Dick, it's me" "What happened to you?!" "Well it's a long story!", H?ctor walked towards Dick, he was taller, wider, heavier and more muscled, and made him look like a twink. Dick walked back as H?ctor spoke "Remember when you adviced my sister to marry a sports guy instead of a lab rat, well turns out that thanks to his brain, the lab rat, became stronger than the sportsman", said H?ctor as he playfully pushed with his hand on Dick's chest several times, making the smaller man tumble in his feet and walk back. "OK, I mean, you know I never really had any problem with you, we're pals right?", Dick was shaking like a leaf, he'd never seen muscles like those in a man. "Oh yeah! We're pals, of course, let me give you a big hug pal", H?ctor grabbed Dick in a bear hug and pressed hard until Dick's ribs squealed loudly, "You're like a brother to me!" he said and he pressed some more, he smiled then let Dick free, the man was still shaking and trying to catch his breath again. "My pal!" H?ctor said and smiled, then punched playfully at Dick's shoulder, with his enormous arm the punch was so powerful that Dick spun in place like three times, H?ctor had to stop him and catch him. H?ctor was smiling, "Hey! I've never checked out your bike pal, you got a great ride!", the big man got close to Dick's motorcycle, he examined it, then crouched and picked it up with one of his hands, it was a big solid harley-davidson, "This is a real harley uh... I think it'd look better with some minor modifications", he said that and grabbed the center axis of the bike, then bent it like it was cardboard into a shape that made the bike useless. "Hey! What are you doing to my bike!!", shouted Dick. "Don't you like it better this way? Oh! Come on! You're not funny, I thought we were friends!", H?ctor said, "it's boring I'll give it back to you", then threw the bike over Dick, the thing weighed easily a quarter ton, and the brother-in-law fell on the ground under its weight. "What's the matter Dick, I thought you were quite strong!", said H?ctor and picked up the motorcycle again with a single hand, then threw it away like it was a shallow film prop. "Let me help you up", and then grabbed Dick by his trouser's belt and let him stand. Dick tried to fight him and threw a punch at H?ctor's face but the big man grabbed his fist and gripped powerfully, Dick screamed in pain and went to his knees. H?ctor grabbed his belt again and held him up like a foot over the ground. "From now on, Dick, I don't want to see you anywhere near Ricky, I think it's quite clear that I can snap you in two like a twig so you'd better do as I say", said H?ctor very close to Dick's face. He let Dick stand and the man didn't say a word, he just ran away like he'd seen a ghost. "I don't want this in front of my house", said the big man and picked up the remains of the motorcycle again, taking it to a trash container nearby. As H?ctor entered his home Marta and Ricky were waiting for him, "Well, guess you won't be seeing uncle Dick around here very often any more", said H?ctor Marta walked to him and grabbed a hold of his enormous shoulders and chest, layed her head on his thick torso. "You didn't hurt him honey, did you?", she asked "No sweety, just a little bit of perssuasion, only that", H?ctor said as he flexed all the muscles in his massive body for her to feel them, then relaxed and cuddled his wife. "Ok then, guess we're going to spend our night studying, aren't we?" H?ctor said to Ricky, walked towards him and put a solid hand in his shoulder "get your math books and everything you have on the table, your dad is going to help you study". "Oh no, really?", asked Ricky "You don't want me to force you, right? Come on! you need a few lessons!", replied H?ctor gently pushing his kid. Seeing that there was nothing he could do to stop his dad, Ricky finally grabbed his school books and put them on the table, the young man sat and his dad took a seat next to him, as H?ctor put his huge butt over the chair it squealled badly under his massive weight, then ordered Ricky to write down some equations and problems. Even when they were sitting the hugeness of his dad made Ricky feel intimidated, H?ctor sat taller than him so he had to look up while the large man spoke. He contemplated how his father layed the weight of his massive arms on the table making the wood yawp, ocassionally bringing one hand to the sheet of paper Ricky was working on to point some mistake or explain a particular issue. As minutes were passing by Ricky realized it was quite cool to have his dad explain math to him and that it wasn't hard at all. H?ctor was very encouraging pointing every mistake but also congratulating and complimenting when things were well done. And the big dad was quite physical at that, giving him nice cuddles and snuggles with "that's my boy!" expressions that conforted him and made him feel good. So much they've spent almost three hours together. "Well son, we've done a hell of an advance today, you'll be catching up and improving your grades in no time", H?ctor assured his son. "Thanks dad, it's actually been nice, to be able to solve all these problems, I didn't think it was this easy" "Ok", H?ctor said completely statisfied and smiling, "tomorrow, mom is going to help you with history and literature", he stood up and left giving Ricky a gentle pat in the shoulder. The following day, H?ctor and Marta walked down from their bedroom upstairs, the big man was carrying his wife in one of his huge arms, she was sitting comfortably in her husband's forearm, grabbing his large chest. They had a rough sex night, H?ctor fucked her about 9 times, and he wasn't even tired, he was a sex machine. She had so much cum inside of her she was worried she might get pregnant, but at the same time she was extremely pleased with being fucked by her man's enormous cock. H?ctor took her to the kitchen and genly let her stand on the ground, they began to prepare breakfast. After a while Marta needed to reach for a jar that was too high up in the cupboard, "Honey would you grab that one for me?", she asked her big husband. "I can help you grab it..." said Hector and instead of grabbing the jar that was practically in front of his face, he picked his wife up. She giggled surprised by her man's new display of power and grabbed the jar. H?ctor put Marta down and she spent a few seconds smiling and admiring his massive torso, she put her hands in his huge pectoral and H?ctor made a little pec dance for her, "Wow!" Marta screamed when Ricky came into the kitchen as they were in the middle of it and the couple separated. "Morning Ricky, you done good yesterday, you see I always said you were a smart kid!", the huge dad said. Marta had trouble unscrewing the cap of the jar again, Ricky saw this and offered help. Ricky grabbed the jar and tried with all his might, but moments passed and he was unable to open it, H?ctor grinned and looked down at his kid. He stroke his back shooking him a little and extended his huge hand to him "Let your big daddy do that, ok?", boomed the huge fella. Ricky put the jar on H?ctor's hand and the big man unscrew it with a flick of his wrist, no effort needed. "Here you are sweety, now I remember I had put the cap yesterday, that's why you couldn't open it, sorry", H?ctor explained them as he handed the jar to Marta. "Hey, don't you smell something?", asked Marta. "No, what?", Ricky replied fast "Yes honey, it's true I do smell something", said H?ctor and looked down on his son fiercely. "It's like... weed?", Marta suggested. "That's what it seems", said H?ctor as he got close to his son "You're crazy, I don't have any weed!", Ricky replied H?ctor got his nose close to Ricky, "You do smell like you had been smoking hemp", the big dad grabbed his son's upper arm, "how many times do I have to tell you we don't want that, if you were 18 fine, get your own house and do whatever you want but as long as you live here and you're underage you have to go by my rules, and that's no weed in this house!", H?ctor was firm but very calm when he said this. "I'm sorry but I'll have to register your room, I told you a hundred times", the big man went inside his son's room, and checked it out, he picked up the bed like it was made out of cardboard, Ricky had a huge TV, and a computer, he had a trunk full of old childhood toys, everything was picked up opened up and checked by H?ctor. The only place left was the wardrobe, H?ctor tried to open it and to his surprise it was locked. "Hey, why is this locked?", the huge dad asked "Oh well I don't know...", mumbled Ricky "Do you have the key?" "Umm.. I don't know... I think I've lost it" "Oh yeah, and how do you dress up every day?", H?ctor was getting quite upset already "Oh well, let me check", Ricky checked his pockets as if he was looking for the key, but he had no intention "You're not going to give it to me right? Fine!", H?ctor punched the wardrobe door lighly and made a huge hole in it, then ripped the little doors off like they were paper. "Hey! you can't do that!", yelled Ricky "Oh no? Of course I can, this is my house and I do anything I want", replied the enormous man with a voice that seemed twice as deep and powerful because of anger. H?ctor checked the clothes until he found something suspicious in a pocket, he pulled it out and it was a small plastic bag full of weed, he put it in front of his son's face "And what is this then? herbal medicine? I doubt so", and the father walked to the nearby bathroom and flushed the weed down the toilet. "Hey! What are you doing! You have no idea how much it costs", said Ricky as his dad returned to the wardrobe. H?ctor grabbed a hold of Ricky and picked him up a brief instant then refrained and put him back in the ground, "Is this what uncle Dick gives you money for, uh?", he boomed at his kid. "I'm glad you won't be able to afford more!", he added. Ricky was furious and punched at his dad's with all his might, H?ctors bulky chest didn't even budge as he looked at his son, then the big man took a baseball bat from the wardrobe and grabbed and end with each hand, bringing it in front of his son's face. Ricky kept complaining when H?ctor said, "Seems you don't quite understand who is in charge now", then split the bat in two with a loud crack, leaving his son speechless. The week went by and Ricky watched his step, he understood now H?ctor was serious, and there was not much he could do. The big dad missed work and decided to stay home and recover lost time with his son. When ocassionaly Ricky would complain about some task, he'd just give him a severe look, slight grab or something and that was enough. Once Marta told him to read a few pages from a book and Ricky complained, he tried to stand up from his chair and when he was just about to leave H?ctor gently put his heavy hand in his shoulder, the kid suddenly found himself unable to lift his body because when he tried he bumped into his dad's hand that was firm as steel. Most of the time the huge father didn't even need to waste any breath to discipline his son now. When the weekend came, H?ctor suggested Ricky to spend saturday doing some more catch up for school, specially with math and physics. When Ricky refused H?ctor challenged him to a basketball match in their front yard, if the father won they'd study all day if the son won, he'd let him do anything he wanted, including going out for a beer. Ricky accepted but a few minutes after they started playing he realized it wasn't a good idea, his dad's physical superiority was so overwhelming that he couldn't score at all. H?ctor was incredibly fast, he didn't seem to get tired, he handled the ball like a pro and was so tall that the ring was easily within his reach, so the big dad kept scoring and scoring while Ricky could barely take the ball off his dad's hands in seldom ocassions, for his dad to recover it almost instantly. Ricky was persistant and they played for about an hour until he was exhausted. H?ctor on the other hand wasn't even breathing hard. The big dad won with 164 points to zero and as Ricky was trying to catch his breath, he kept chuckling at his son and trying to cheer him up and convince him that math homework could be also fun. On sunday Ricky got H?ctor to allow him to go to his rugby training, H?ctor wasn't very happy with that and told him he was going to talk to his coach about training on sunday. At the school gym Ricky was doing benchpresses with an 80kg (170 lbs) weight, the other kids were also training at the gym while some others were running in the field. As he was forcing his arms up he saw the other boys look at the door. He looked as well and saw a huge man standing and coming towards him. It was H?ctor, as the young men trained they couldn't help follow the big man's figure with their eyes. The huge dad was wearing tight short pants and a tight t-shirt, together with some running shoes so everyone would see he was also an athelete. Before he reached Ricky's bench the kids thought he was a new trainer or something. As he approched his son he said "Hey! lifting big son? I'm proud of having a strong kid!" H?ctor grinned "How about a little more weight?", he was in a playful mood so he put the tip of his finger over the bar and pushed down a little, that immediately added like a 100kg (220 lbs) to the weight his son was lifting. Of course Ricky couldn't handle it and as the weight was going to fall on his ribcage H?ctor quickly picked it up with his hand. The huge guy laughed as he toyed around with this weight that was almost a joke for his powerful arm. He put the weight back in the bench, "Are you ok son? I didn't mean to hurt you just play a harmful joke", he said between chuckles as Ricky sat up. "Dad, what are you doing here?" "I wanted to give you a surprise" "It is! You're embarrassing me in front of the other boys!" As Ricky recovered from the work out H?ctor replied "Oh come on! you call this embarrassing?!" and he made a most muscular pose, flexing all his tremendously huge muscles, everyone in the gym looked at him knowing that they'd never get to be that big, he laughed and then asked "So, where is this coach of yours?" "I think, he's at his office", said Ricky and pointed at a place behind him. "Ok, thank you son, take care, don't overtrain!", said H?ctor with a manly pat in his son's shoulder. Then he walked to Mr. Trachine's office. Trachine was doing some paperwork as he heard something heavy knock his office door. The door was translucid and he could see a big shadow behind. "Yeah, who is it?" The deep voice of Hector replied "Mr. Trachine, I'm Hector, Ricky's father, mind if we talk for a minute?" "Oh yeah, you know, I'm very busy could you wait a few moments?", the coach screamed "Ok", replied H?ctor, but he wasn't very happy with that, after the way this man had treated him, for christ's sake, he was now the strongest man on earth, he wasn't going to take that kind of treatment from a stupid high school coach. The door seemed to be locked and he still decided to be polite and wait, he stood for about 12 minutes when he knocked again, "What part of I'm busy you didn't understand, you moron?!", the coach screamed at the door. That was it, H?ctor pushed the door open and without noticing he'd ripped it off its hinges and was holding it in his hand, he threw it to a side. "Holy crap!", said the coach as he saw the big man coming towards him, "Are you Ricky's father? I hadn't imagined you like that..." "Well, yes, I am. And you know what", said H?ctor in a sever tone as he stood right in front of Trachine, "don't think I forgot everything you said to me on the phone" then grabbed the older man from his shirt and picked him up slightly. Mr Trachine was 50, he was quite built and it was for sure he'd had a hell of a body at younger age. The coach was speechless, now he was really busted. "It.. it it's ok Mr, what,... wh.. whateev...ev. ever you ss.sssa say", the coach replied with difficulty "Haha now you stutter?", replied H?ctor while smiling, "you didn't stutter last week when you treated me so bad, uh? Guess you can't stand up to a big fella...", the huge man added in a booming voice. "But I'm not here because of that, I don't really care what you say" continued H?ctor, "I want to talk about Ricky and about he not coming to your sunday training sessions" "Oh, don't wo.. worry Mr, I was go.. going to cancel them be.. because most parents complained", Mr Trachine was still shaking from being in front of that big angry man. "You know Mr Trachine, I do want my kid to be a powerful athlete, as you see I'm a very strong athlete as well", the huge dad made a double biceps pose and the coach open his eyes wide in amazement. "Only I also want him to stimulate his intelligence so he's not only brawns but also brain, hope you understand that". "Oh y... yes, I to...totally agree" "Ok then, have a nice afternoon sir, I have to leave", said H?ctor and extended his right hand for a shake. Mr Trachine took it and H?ctor gave him the grip of his life, so much you could hear the cracking and the coach went weak on the knees, the big dad smiled, relishing that what was for him such an insignificant amount of pressure was causing so much pain in this man. Then he let go, hopefully it was just a badly sore hand, nothing broken "I'll leave you to keep working", H?ctor said as the coach massaged and shook his hand trying to relieve the pain, no way he'd able to grab a pen with that hand for the rest of the day. The big dad just left while grinning, the coach contemplated his gigantic muscled back and powerful round butt as he left, H?ctor thought he'd been a little mean but the guy had it coming without a doubt. That night the family was home again, dinner was ready and H?ctor sat on the kitchen table with his enormous plate of food. He ate like five men now but didn't have to worry about getting fat, all the food seemed to go into his huge muscles. As he was about to start eating his huge serving, Marta sat next to him, and Ricky grabbed his plate and was carrying it in front of the TV in the living room, when H?ctor saw this he reached with his massive arm for Ricky's trouser belt and grabbed it, dragged his son playfully close to him. "Hey! Why don't you come and eat here with us, son, like a regular family?", he said to his kid. How to refuse? thought Ricky and sat down in front of his big dad. "Hey dad! are you going to eat all that?!" "Yes boy, I got to feed these big guns buddy!", said the father as he bent his arms and showed them to Ricky, the t-shirt sleeves almost bursting with the muscle mass. Ricky looked under the table at his dad's legs, "without mentioning those tremendous legs", he thought to himself. "And tell me, how was your day son?", H?ctor asked "Oh well, you know I just spent the whole day working out, oh and... what did you say to the coach, he's been really weird with me, he used to treat me like shit and now he was so gentle and considerate, asking me if I was ok, offering help with the weighs, training advice, that felt kinda awkward" "Haha really?! Well I'll tell you why! That idiot is treating you very carefully because he's afraid I might get angry and go snap him like a twig! That's why! I gave him a few little demonstrations of what I'm capable of and I think he got the point. If you ever have any problem with him just let me know and I'll take care. I don't even need to see him in person, I bet just the sound of my voice on the phone can make him pee his pants!", said the super-dad between chuckles. The following day it was a holiday so the family woke up late in the morning. H?ctor opened up the fridge to grab something to eat, "Hey! What happened, the fridge is empty!", said the huge man. "It's natural honey", commented Marta as she walked behind her large husband and caressed his gargantuan back, "you eat a lot more now and we run out of food much faster" "Hehe, that's true, guess that's a little price to pay for all the advantages being like this brings", said H?ctor as he turned around and picked her up, making her sit in his meaty forearm. "No problem then! Let's go to the supermarket!", the big man added and headed for the garage with her in his hand. "Hey Ricky, we're going to the supermarket, wanna come?", H?ctor asked his son. Ricky accepted, his father was surprised at the way his son's attitude was changing, as he became more and more self-confident his son became more and more humble. Fortunately, H?ctor had a big 4x4 van, he wouldn't have fit in a smaller car and unlike a 4x4, a regular car would collapse under his weight. Despite this he felt pretty tight inside when he got in. Marta and Ricky got in as well and they left. The supermarket was a 30 minute drive, when they were half way H?ctor saw a cow in the middle of the road, in order not to crash against it, he stopped quite abruptly. A car that was behind them was caught in distraction and crashed on H?ctor's van.The big dad's 4x4 was so tough it didn't get a scratch, but the front of the other man's car was quite damaged. The guy was upset and got out of his vehicle, he walked to the driver's seat of the 4x4 cursing and insulting, "I'll kill you motherfucker, why don't you watch out, I'll break your damn van you moron!", said the man and kicked H?ctor's car. The van had one-side glasses so the guy didn't get to see H?ctor and kept hitting and punching his van. Then the front door was open and the huge dad came out, the man was so into his thing he didn't realize, until a heavy hand grabbed his chest and shoved him away with tremendous force. "Holly crap!", the guy said as he looked at H?ctor's massive frame. Next to him, the man looked like a miniature, the big dad stood in front of the guy and began to move forward, the guy retreated and ran into his car and drove away fast. H?ctor just giggled and returned to his van, he was already getting used to these kind of reactions. But the cow was still there, and they needed to get going so the huge dad grabbed the animal and held it up, walking it inside the fields far from the road and gently putting it on the ground. They drove just a few minutes more when they had a flat tire, H?ctor stopped the car and got out "Give me a hand son!", he ordered Ricky who got out almost immediately. "You're going to get the spare in place, kid", the dad said. H?ctor opened the back and Ricky wondered out loud "What happened with the cricket?" "Cricket? hehe, why would I need that", H?ctor replied looking down on his big muscled physique and handed the spare to Ricky, "I pick up the van and you change the tire, deal?", the big man said then put a hand under the back of the van and picked it up very high like it was weighless. Marta felt the van move and she screamed "Hey! What's going on?!" "Oh sorry sweety, I'm picking up the van that's all", boomed H?ctor loudly at her. In a few moments the tire was replaced and the big dad put the van back on the ground with care and they could resume their brief journey. When the family arrived at the supermarket, they couldn't find a parking spot for their van, the lot was full, H?ctor drove around countless times until they were exhausted and they almost decided to go back home, until the dad caught a glimpse of an old heavy truck that was very oddly parked, instead of taking up just its spot, the truck was taking up almost two places unnecessarily. H?ctor said "bingo!", he stopped the van next to it, got out and walked to the truck. He simply grabbed under it and lifted it up completely, then easily gave a few steps towards the appropriate spot and gently put it down. He dusted off his hands as he exclaimed "there we go!", then parked his van in the now free place. Marta and Ricky were mezermerized, as H?ctor saw their faces he asked "Impressed?! that was very easy!", it was true because he wasn't even breathing hard. After a few hours in the supermarket, they'd filled three carts, two of them were full of food for H?ctor, for whom every package seemed small and that made him keep adding and adding stuff to the cart, they also had consider that now the big dad's clothes were a lot bigger, so they used more laundry powder, more food also meant more dish washing, therefore more detergent, a bigger body meant more deodorant, more lotion, more soap, bigger feet more feet powder, and so on. They also had to replace stuff he'd unadvertently broken in the few days he wasn't controlling his strength completely, like 6 glasses, about 20 forks and knives he'd bent over, and a desk lamp he'd twisted to unrecognizable shape. Looking down on the incredibly stuffed carts, H?ctor realized there was nowhere to put all that food. "I guess we're going to need a new fridge honey, what do you think?", the big man suggested "Definitely, I've been oggling one that will be perfect for us now in the home appliances section, what do you think?" "Ok sweety, go ahead, go there and pick one for me, I'll go in a few minutes, I still need some shaving cream and... ", replied H?ctor but Marta was already gone, she loved buying. When she arrived she talked to the salesman and took him to the chosen fridge, the thing was fucking huge, so much it looked industrial, and costed like 6000 dollars. H?ctor's family didn't have any money issues since the reasearch company's paycheck was very generous. "Do you take platinum visa?", asked Marta "Of course, ma'm", said the salesman as he took the card. "How are you going to transport it?", the guy asked pointing at the fridge. "We have a transport service but you'll have to wait for about a week, we've too many deliveries lately, I apologize" "Oh, don't worry, we have a big van, I think we can put it on top no problem" "Ok, I'll send you the transport men to put them on your van for you" "Thanks! that's so considerate of you" Then two big guys wearing overalls appeared, each around 1,85m (6'1") and weighing easily 90kg (200 lbs) "Hi ma'm, so this is your fridge?", they pointed at a smaller one that was next to the one Marta chose "No, that one is", she corrected "Oh crap!" said one of the men Each man took a side of the big thing and pulled as hard as they could, it was impossible for them to lift it, they could barely drag it a few inches and they were quickly exhausted. "Oh, we're sorry we might need some extra help or a fork lift", said one of the guys as he recovered his breath and wiped his moisty forehead with his hand. "That's not necessary, don't worry, my hubbie is going to move it" "Your what? your husband? Ma'm we've been doing this for years, there's no fucking person who can move that, not even three guys", said one of the men as they looked at each other and laughed. "You haven't seen my husband... oh, here he is", she said as H?ctor seemed to appear from behind some crates "So honey, did you choose one already?", asked the huge man. The transport guys stopped laughing and contemplated H?ctor, then they looked at each other to check if they were having visions. "Oh my..." one of the guys let out Ignoring them, Marta replied "Yes love, I already bought that one" and pointed at the huge fridge with his right hand as she was grabbing H?ctor's big arm with his left. "Good choice sweet, this one will be just perfect!" said the big dad as he checked it out up close. Then two transport guys thought maybe with the large man's help they'd be able to drag it to the van so each one of them grabbed a side "Ok Sir, will you help us carry it? let's push at the count of three!", said one of the guys as he prepared. H?ctor just laughed, put his hands firmly on each side and lifted up the huge fridge as if it was just empty cardboard. He then hefted the big thing over his massive shoulder using his hand to keep it in balance and carried it all the way to the van. "oh my god!" said the men, "Sir, you're going to put us out of business with that strength" H?ctor just laughed at the smaller men and continued carrying the fridge effortlessly. Marta walked along and all the way she encouraged his husband "Just a little more, honey, we're almost there, hang on!", repeatedly. "haha" laughed H?ctor, then stopped, "Sweety, there's no need for that" he said between chuckles "I could keep this in my shoulder for a whole day without even feeling tired at all" he said and took the fridge with his free arm and held the enormous thing over his head, balanced in one of his hands, "see?". Both Marta and the men wowed. H?ctor continued carrying the fridge to the van, once there he put it easily on top "Sir, need some rope to tie it to your car", asked one of the transport guys "Mmm, not really, do you think rope will keep this safe in place? I have something better!", then the big man opened the back of the car and took two crowbars. The fidge had a few openings in the back designed to put a thick rope for transportation, H?ctor put the crowbars instead and used them to secure the fridge to the car structure, bending them easily with his mighty arms. "Hey, we forgot about Ricky, where is he?", asked Marta "Oh, I left him at the exit watching over the carts", replied H?ctor, "He shoud be here by now, this is odd, I'll go check". The big man walked to where he'd left his son. When he arrived at where his son was supposed to be, he wasn't, the carts were unattended, H?ctor worried and began to walk fast around the whole supermarket. After a few instants he saw his son was in an abandoned spot behind the mall, together with two guys, one of the guys was threatening him with a knife and the other was checking his pockets. Ricky saw his dad's huge figure in the distance, H?ctor made a "keep quiet" gesture and walked behind the guy with the knife. He grabbed the guy's hand and gripped powerfully, while at the same time put his large arm around his neck. The guy screamed in pain and threw the knife to the ground. Then H?ctor punched him in the head and he fell unconcious. The other guy took some time to notice what happened and, not threatened by the knife anymore, Ricky tried to get rid of him, pushing him, but the guy was quite big. H?ctor stood in front of the other guy who tried to punch him in the belly, but without budging the super man's muscular stomach, the guy then pulled out a gun and shot at H?ctor's chest, but the bullets just bounced off, the big dad quickly took the weapon off the thieve's hand and twisted it in his palm like it was butter, then threw it on the ground. He picked up the burglar and held it up over his head. He grabbed the two guys, and carried them to a trash container, put them in and twisted the cover of the container so they wouldn't be able to open anytime soon. In the distance, Marta had arrived and was watching everything. She got close to his son who was kind of shocked and conforted him. As H?ctor returned, he could see his son now more than happy. "Dad, that was fantastic, I'm so proud to be your son!" "I love you son, and I won't let anything happen to you", said H?ctor as he hugged his son big. Then he stood in front of Marta and Ricky and hit a double biceps pose, the said in assured tone "Guess from now on you can feel very safe while I'm around!". |
Nice story. I hope there's a part II.
Without change, there can be no growth |
Thanks for feedback, I'm not sure about part 2 for now, but who knows!
seriously a growing muscle daddy who is latin? All my fantasies in one. thank you
you're welcome
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I'd like more people to share this fantasy with me
Nice story.
Not only do you make great morphs - you?re also a good writer.
Like The Story
It is a very good story too.I like how the father grows up huge and takes care of his son and now he is the BOSS--when is part two coming?
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Part 2 please!
This story is great!
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Clothes Big Enough to Grow Into CH2 PT5 | raccoon | Post Your Muscle Growth Stories | 0 | April 28th, 2008 01:43 PM |
S?tnos. | muscleaddict564 | Post Your Muscle Growth Stories | 9 | March 22nd, 2008 10:11 AM |
NEW STORY: Chronicles of the Brood - 2nd Tale | muscl4life | Post Your Muscle Growth Stories | 8 | March 19th, 2008 06:34 PM |
Story: SPARTAN: FINAL PART | muscl4life | Muscle Growth Story Showcase | 12 | January 4th, 2007 08:51 AM |